Showing posts with label Dr. Keith Rose. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dr. Keith Rose. Show all posts

Friday, August 9, 2024

70,000 Terrorists with Biometric US Passports

Within two weeks of the U.S.'s exit from Afghanistan, William J. Burns, the CIA Director in 2021, met in secret with all of the U.S.'s enemies, including two senior Chinese intel officials.  Why was  Sirajuddin Haqqani, who at the time had a $10 million bounty from the State Department, at the meeting?  There was a senior officer from the IRGC, Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps, who was a cut force commander who we're very familiar with from Iraq, a very competent officer.  He was there.  He didn't even use CIA personnel for security.  They were so concerned about the people they were meeting with that they used one of our tier 1 groups for security and they kept them on the outside, they weren't allowed to listen in or anything.  

When we left Bagram Air Field, it went completely black.  It was dark.  The people that were there said two large Chinese transport planes landed with troops and secured that area.  

70,000 jihadis had graduated from Afghan terrorist training camps in just this year alone.  Madrasas that train people on small arms tactics, on bomb-making, on basic intelligence tradecraft.   We know for a fact because we have several assets all over Afghanistan.  This year was their largest graduating class from all the madrasas. These are for jihadis, guys that would go and fight the Holy War, and they said that they had over 70,000 graduates.

Biometric Passports, or e-passports, are used to protect the border?  Ha, not in the United States.

Taliban took over Afghanistan on August 15, 2021More by Dr. Keith Rose on Afghanistan.  $80 billion worth of weapons were left in Afghanistan.  According to Greg Reese, Keith Rose has worked in U.S. clandestine intelligence operations for three decades?