Showing posts with label Deborah Birx. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Deborah Birx. Show all posts

Monday, July 25, 2022

from 95% effective to 12% effective to “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection"

It's not just that they lie but the aesthetics of how they lie that makes me sick.  It's like dramatic irony where the audience knows details about the drama yet the characters continue to pretend and to lie that what you know doesn't exist or is the source of fake news or some right-wing conspiracy when in truth its all out in the open. 

Just to confirm, who was it that were on the White House COVID-19 Task Force?  To government, narrative is everything.  Wikipedia certifies some of it:

Also referred to as the President's Coronavirus Task Force, it was established on January 29, 2020, with Secretary of Health and Human Services Alex Azar as chair.  On February 26, 2020, U.S. vice president Mike Pence was named to chair the task force, and Deborah Birx was named the response coordinator. 

Odd there's no mention of Fauci.

Here is the full cast of characters, a list that does include Fauci, Redfield, Collins, Peter Marks who joined late on May 15, 2020. So Fauci and Birx were on the same team, presumably sharing the same data, reaching and preparing conclusions that they can deliver to the public.  

But what we have today is Debra Birx admitting that she, that "they" knew the vaccines wouldn't work.  Is she, as a member of the den of thieves, throwing Tony Fauci under the bus?  Medical journals told us of 95% vaccine effectiveness.

by the Lancet peer-review study on vaccine effectiveness.   

Moderna: 94.5% effective in vaccine efficiency.  Relative risk reduction, RRR put the Absolute Effectiveness at 12%.

Pfizer:  95% effective in vaccine efficiency.  Relative risk reduction, RRR put the Absolute effectiveness at 12%.

J & J: 68.7% effective in vaccine efficiency.  Relative risk reduction, RRR put the Absolute effectiveness at 0.8%.  No Serious Side Effects.  [Define serious.]  This means that 99% are just as effective with COVID. 

Lofty numbers . . . that soon tanked. 

So from 95% effective to 12% effective to Dr. Deborah Birx: “I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will. But let’s be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated. So that’s why I’m saying even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, if you’re unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. It’s effective. It’s a great antiviral. And really, that is what’s going to save your lives right now if you’re over 70, which if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70.”

As a reporter, Neil Cavuto is done.  He was good when he was giving Ron Paul air time in 2012.  Since then, he's in the same club as Max Boot.  Why would Cavuto let the vaccine question off the hook by not indicting the Paxlovid and further prescriptions by a big pharma shill?  

Glad to see Dr. McCullough grow some teeth,

Birx is so deceitful and such a twisted tongue that even her lies are ashamed of each other.  

Here are her words,

Dr. Deborah Birx: I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection.

Then why did you sign off on them?  

And I think we overplayed the vaccines, and it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization. It will.

She lies in her defense.  Incredible.  The vaccines don't protect against hospitalization, severe disease, or death.

But let’s be very clear: 50% of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated.

Okay, does this point undermine your claim that the vaccines protect against hospitalization and severe disease?  Not to mention her cavalier dismissal of "older" people, you know, our parents and grandparents.  

So that’s why I’m saying even if you’re vaccinated and boosted, if you’re unvaccinated right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid. It’s effective. It’s a great antiviral.

So this is her defense?  Vaccines don't work against infection, but take Paxlovid, it's a great antiviral.  Government just loves to tell citizens what to do while admitting their own incompetence. 

And really, that is what’s going to save your lives right now if you’re over 70, which if you look at the hospitalizations, hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70.”

It must be a case that these people lie so much that they've stopped listening to themselves.   

She says the vaccines protect against hospitalization, but then says 

hospitalizations are rising steadily with new admissions, particularly in those over 70.”

But take Paxlovid for this?  Let's give Cavuto the Mario Draghi treatment, vaffancullo, Neil for not seizing on her bullshit, her contradictory remarks, and allowing her off the hook.  Nice but of journalism there, Neil.