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Showing posts with label Daily Mail US (@DailyMail). Show all posts

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Randi Weingarten: Full of Hypocrisy, Full of Slogans

I have been saying this for years.  It seems odd to see this admitted in print.  But the headline leaves out a starker truth: that teachers are not just social justice warriors, but that they are foot soldiers for the Democratic Party.  Even more brazen is the fact that the head of the main teachers' union in the United States is admitting this without any embarrassment or conscience.  What's worse is the fact that she is lying.  She's lying about the timing of this "social justice" warriorism trend.  Weingarten argues that teachers have become social justice warriors of late because Republicans have run campaigns across the country to ban "woke" books and issues.  She blames politicians for turning teachers into social justice warriors.  Maybe.  But the union itself is responsible for turning teachers into woke warriors.  You don't automatically respect someone solely because they belong to a group.  You don't respect teachers because they're a teacher.  Some are sadistic, many are bad teachers.  "Politicians have turned teachers into 'social justice warriors."  Hardly.  The unions turn teachers into warriors.  Deserving or not, they see how their largesse has improved because of education and because they're working with kids whom they place on a similar scale of impoverishment, they start seeing the kids as their equal.  Many teachers were groomed to be social justice warriors in college and the university.  To cite the banning of The Diary of Anne Frank without adequate reason is stunning, self-serving deceit.  

Apparently, in a hall meeting, Weingarten said that "People would want to be teachers if they knew they'd be respected."  She's got it completely backwards.  You don't tell people to respect something or someone before they've met them or before they've considered the topic.  That is so horse before the cart that I can't even begin to state it.  She is not qualified to be the speaker for anything educational if she gets that wrong.  Respect is earned.  If it's a general respect toward people, that's one thing.  If it's a general respect toward a class of people or toward representatives in an industry, like basketball players for their height or physical abilities, that's different.  And this is the kind of thing that inexperienced kids might do.  But to expect them to respect their teachers?  There's no real evidence that they can do that.  Teachers are about reinforcing control.  Teachers are about physical discipline.  True enough, kids can respect disciplined teachers, for sure, they can respect the authority, but that's it.  And respect for authority is mainly about respecting fear.  

She goes on, 

She also stated . . . that teachers are burnt out because they are required to be 'masks police' and regulate what they can teach. 

The teachers and their union were fully behind masking kids [and vaccinating teachers] and thoroughly supported the lockdowns.  It's a sloppy job at damage control.  Where does she get off playing the victims to circumstances that she created?  Yeah, that extra monitoring assignment can be bad.  Then don't implement it, Randi.   

She went on: 'That has been what has created some of the burnout. And that's not parents. That's politicians. Parents just want the best for their kids. And so do the teachers.' 

Saying "Parents want the best for their kids" is so vague that it's not even funny.  Like most politicians, Rand is full of slogans.