Showing posts with label D-Dimer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label D-Dimer. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2022


If you took the vaccine, you ought to get this D-Dimer test to learn if you've got developing clotting going on. Dr. Ryan Cole describes it as "instant clumping," following the vaccine, So now we know.  Your blood clumps, which means the clotting process begins immediately.  To confirm this in your own body, the only test to confirm recent clotting is a D-Dimer test.  Don't let your doctor deny you this.  

Start at the 12-minute mark.

At the 16:30 mark, Dr. Ryan Cole holds up a vile that contains a 12-inch long fibrin clot, adding that this was pulled from a large vein  Imagine what is happening in smaller veins."  So fatigue, pain, tingling, cramping, all could be the sign that different organs in your body are producing these fibrin clots.  You need to get rid of them by surgery if necessary. Prior to that, get started on the enzyme, Nattokinase, to dissolve these clots.  Start today.  Please.  I beg. 

And, of course, if you've taken a shot, you've still got a chance to redeem that decision by getting the D-Dimer test and regardless of the result start on a daily regimen of Nattokinase today.

Here is someone with experience.