Showing posts with label Barbara Ferrer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Barbara Ferrer. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2023

PARENTS KICKING BUTT: LA Public Health colluded with Adam Schiff's office to censor public criticism of its COVID mandates. That's one of several revelations in a lawsuit against the Department by parents.

Thursday, July 21, 2022

LA COUNTY PUBLIC HEALTH DIRECTOR, BARBARA FERRER: "We're in a 'high concern' COVID category." So I am NOT going to wear a mask at the All-Star Game @ Dodger Stadium

O, Hypocrisy!  From a ghoul, no less.  

Maybe their hypocrisy is a good sign.  Maybe it's a sign, meaning proof multiplied in the public's eyes, that government has not only lost credibility but that it is also losing authority.  

It means that the government is losing credibility.  Does that mean that they've come to rely mostly on force then?