Showing posts with label Architect (@RichardGage_911) June 18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Architect (@RichardGage_911) June 18. Show all posts

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

[RG911Team] Firefighters need a water supply to control any major fire. And contrary to popular belief, water was available to put out the fires in WTC7 on 9/11. Fire experts did the research and shared it in their 9/11 documentary “Calling out Bravo 7”.

Must-watch, chilling interview of Barry Jennings.  Starts @ 6:18. 

In 2001, Barry Jennings was the Deputy Director of Emergency Services for the New York City Housing Authority. After being called to World Trade Center Building 7 to help coordinate the emergency response on the morning of 9/11, he was trapped in the building for hours by a series of explosions that—according to the official government conspiracy theory—never happened. This is his story.  

In an interview with BBC, Jennings clarified that he stepped over dead bodies as he escaped WTC 7, but did not actually see them.  This may be difficult testimony for a jury to comprehend.  He did, however, continue to assert that explosions occurred in the building.  --Dennis P. McMahon,

Jennings passed at 53 in 2008, just 7 years after 9/11.  

"World Trade Center 7, the Solomon Building, collapsed because of fires fueled by office furnishings," Shyam Sunder.  That's the official story.  Stories about explosions and controlled demolition are the ones that officials are trying to suppress.