Showing posts with label Afghanistan. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Afghanistan. Show all posts

Friday, June 17, 2022

"The goal is to have endless war, not a successful war" so that the transnational elite can launder money . . .

The incomparable, Julian Assange.  Julian Assange explains world affairs in less than one minute.  

The goal is not to completely subjugate Afghanistan.  The goal is to use Afghanistan to wash money out of the tax bases of U.S. tax base. Out of the tax bases of the European countries through Afghanistan and back into the hands of a transnational security elite. The goal is to have endless war, not a successful war.  

Saturday, June 26, 2021

[Dr.] Rand Paul: Remove Fauci from Position of Authority

Rand is excellent on this planned pandemic.  

The numbers of those being infected and those dying are going down.  There's no reason to be hysterical, force this on children and mandate it for school because children get almost no symptoms; they rarely die from it.  It's like one in a million.  To Dr. Fauci and other elitists, submission is more important than relying on science.  They're not obeying the science, they're obeying this mandate that everybody be part of the hive, that everybody is part of the collective and that we're not going to look at your healthcare individually.  

When the conversation turned to the topic of Afghan leader, Ashraf Ghani's visit to the U. S., Rand is even better when he says,

We can't be their founding fathers. 

Rand keeps getting better.