Showing posts with label 1990. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1990. Show all posts

Monday, March 25, 2024

In this recording of a RiseUpNH webinar from 8/31/21, John Jay Singleton and Jay V. Shore discuss how the ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) can be used to fight the entire range of mandates. 

Jay V Shore is a Certified ADA Advocate since 2017, and a Survivor’s Rights Advocate since 2018, and his passion is exposing and eliminating the everyday discrimination that occurs in courts, the legal system, and the government.  He does offer 2-hour conferences for $350.  Book a session today.

John Jay Singleton is an ADA Advocate and a founder of The Zunga, created to help people with their ADA cases and teach them what their actual rights are and what the actual laws are. Some of his work in the fake pandemic area can be seen on Bitchute under “singletonpress”, The Zunga and Rumble “singletonpress”. According to John, “My ability to work in this area is based upon my understanding of risk and property rights, administrative law and judicial procedure.” 

Some recent videos: and

Visit their website, The Zunga (, where you can watch several introductory videos.

8:45  And going into a courtroom and telling a judge you have to give the client rights under the 1990 ADA, and you cannot threaten, intimidate, coerce, or interfere with those rights and you have no immunity.  That's an awkward situation, and lawyers are afraid to do it because for them it's a suicide march, going in and telling the judge that.  Usually, lawyers are the ones being threatened by judges for disbarment if they buck the system.  So for them to go in and turn the system around and say "You can't threaten me with contempt while I'm defending his ADA rights because I am aiding and encouraging." They won't do that.  They have no integrity or fortitude to do that.  So, ADA advocates have to be implemented, have to be used.  What I'd like to see is a lot of people get this and a lot of people use it.  John Jay and The Zunga are definitely implementing this, so . . . .

11:35  Last week, the ACLU announced in South Carolina they're actually going into court with Disability Rights South Carolina as a plaintiff and they're suing against the mask bans that South Carolina implemented, saying that people with disabilities are disproportionately affected by those mask bans because it's a threat to their immune systems.  And there's been an entire segment of society that has been ignored, stomped on, and walked on with these mandates, requirements, rule changes, and goalpost moves, all of these things have affected this segment of society that is reacting to trauma; they don't know that they're reacting to trauma, but they are.  And now the ACLU wants to go in and they want to create bad case law that favors the people who are allegedly more susceptible to this "Plan-demic" and the people who have had actual disabilities all this time, PTSD, general anxiety disorder, all of these disabilities have been ignored by the ACLU the whole time.  These protection and advocacy agencies, which is Disability Rights South Carolina, there's one in every state.  Where were they when other people who were threatened and horrified by this mask mandate