Showing posts with label 000 new IRS agents. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 000 new IRS agents. Show all posts

Thursday, August 11, 2022

"State governments that allow federal agent thugs to operate within their jurisdiction are giving tacit approval to the new totalitarianism"

Thank you to Dr. Joseph Sansone @ Lew Rockwell.  

After the blatant abuse of power by the DOJ and FBI raiding the home of former President Trump, states have an obligation to push back on the federal government’s weaponization of federal agencies. The recent expansion of the IRS creating 87,000 new armed agents, making the agency larger than the Pentagon, FBI, DOJ, and a few other agencies put together, makes a coordinated pushback from multiple states absolutely necessary. No American citizen is safe.

What purpose can there be to 87,000 new IRS agents other than to create a campaign of terror and extract political retribution against citizens of the United States?

The emergence of ESG scores gives a peek at what the future holds. IRS agents will likely be engaged in behavior modification and compliance policies. The behavioral modification policies over the past couple of years from federal, state, and local governments, appear to have been directly or indirectly at the behest of the World Economic Forum. The creation of 87,000 IRS agents has the WEF’s fingerprints on it and these agents will likely be the first wave of stormtroopers mandating behavioral compliance. This compliance will not be limited to taxes. This compliance will likely be broad-ranging from mandating compliance on speech and social media to purchases to compliance on gene therapy shots, and so on.

Great read.  Read it to the end.