Showing posts with label — Stephen Geiger (@Stephen_Geiger) October 30. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Stephen Geiger (@Stephen_Geiger) October 30. Show all posts

Monday, October 30, 2023

By 2043, . . . interest expense as a percentage of GDP will be 7%. That is 144% of all current discretionary spending.

Janet Yellen: 2 years @ 15 basis points. 

When the debt rolls over by 2033, interest expense is going to be 4.5% of GDP if rates are where they are now.  By 2043, sounds like it's a lot of time, but it's really not, it's 20 years, and interest expense as a percentage of GDP will be 7%.  That is 144% of all current discretionary spending.  Let me repeat that: interest expense alone will be 144% at today's rate of all discretionary spending.  So the politicians that are telling you and think that they're not going to cut entitlements, it's just an outright lie.  The numbers absolutely don't work.  It's a fantasy.