Showing posts with label — Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) June 18. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) June 18. Show all posts

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Dr. Thompson said that he handed 100,000 pages of incriminating documents over to Congress . . . that he and all of the scientists in the vaccine division [had] been ordered for 10 years to lie to the public about the connection between autism and vaccines, and particularly mercury in vaccines

All vaccines are bad.  Anyone defending them is either a Hotez or an illiterate or a state police Gestapo ready to shoot you up with a countermeasure. 

The CDC promise they would never do experimentation vaccines on African Americans again well guess what in August of last year another CDC whistleblower came forward Dr. William Thompson, the senior scientist at CDC's vaccine Division.  And Dr. Thompson said that he handed 100,000 pages of incriminating documents over to Congress and he said on tape, and in deposition, that he and all of the scientists in the vaccine division have been ordered for 10 years to lie to the public about the connection between autism and vaccines, and particularly mercury in vaccines.  And one of the things he said, specifically, he talked about a study that he was one of the authors in 2004, and there were four authors, including Frank DeStefano of the branch chief at the CDC, and when they were doing that study they were looking at the impact of certain vaccines, of the MMR vaccine, on children, on all kinds of children, including African-American children and what he found was that the children were . . . what the data showed, what the scientists found, was that the children who received that vaccine on time, in other words, younger than 36 months, younger than 3 years, had a 240% greater chance of getting autism than the children who waited a little.  Only African-American children were affected.  And . . . they got into a room and they saw what this data said.  They saw that it said that it proved that these vaccines, these mercury vaccines, particularly were causing autism in children.  And they said that "we cannot allow this to get out," so they ordered a trash can into that room and they dumped all of the documents into the trash can about African American boys.  And for 14 years, they have continued to lie to the public about what this study said and what they saw until this whistleblower, who was one of the authors of the study, who was conscience-stricken . . .  

There is a documentary that covers this cover-up by the CDC, called Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, 2016.