Showing posts with label — Richard Poe 🇺🇸 (@RealRichardPoe) August 31. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Richard Poe 🇺🇸 (@RealRichardPoe) August 31. Show all posts

Saturday, August 31, 2024

British invented communism and other subversive movements, then blamed them on the Jews

55:20  If you look at the period we call "The Age of Revolution," when all of a sudden people started rising up and overthrowing governments, late 18th century through the early 20th century, the Russian Revolution.  This was the age of Revolution, and this was exactly the age when the British Empire rose and basically took over the world and became the master of the entire planet.  Its only real rival was, by the time of WWI, the real rival of Great Britain, was not Germany, it was Russia, and I explain in geopolitical terms why this was in my book.  

56:00  Germany was a rival, yes, but they understood that Russia was potentially a much greater rival, and there is no question that British elites went into WWI with a very definite plan to defeat both Germany, their enemy, and Russia, who was supposedly their ally, and they accomplished both.  And the reason they dared to do this, obviously, it was a very risky thing to do, to take out your ally, Russia, in the midst of trying to defeat Germany, but they did it because they already knew that the Americans were going to  enter the war because this had already been arranged in advance with Colonel House and Sir William Wiseman and all the British intelligence people who were controlling Woodrow Wilson.  They said, "Oh, it's already been set up and arranged," so the British already knew that the instant that they took out Russia the Americans were going to come in and replace Russia with fresh troops and finish off what was left of Germany.  That's exactly what happened.  It was admittedly a very risky move; could have gone badly for the British, but they're a risk-taking people; that's why they got where they got.  They took this risk and they won.  It absolutely happened exactly as they planned it.  And the key was their control of the United States, and their absolute ability to know with 100% certainty that they could get Woodrow Wilson to declare war on Germany.  It was an intricate and fascinating set of maneuvers, but it really happened.  It was so well documented.  But the way that covered it was the British to have Winston Churchill get up in 1920 at a point when the whole world was totally disillusioned by war, by geopolitics.  So many people had died, and the catastrophe in Russia, in particular, was still going on, so many millions slaughtered.  What was it all about?  And so Churchill got up there and said "It was the Jews.  The Jews did it.  It was all their fault.  And we need to defeat these bad Jews in Russia," he said, "and we need to encourage these good Jews who are going to set up