Showing posts with label — Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) February 21. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Mike Benz (@MikeBenzCyber) February 21. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

MIKE BENZ: abandon your [...] distinction between the CIA, the State Dept & the Pentagon. They are one Blob. Wherever you see one, the other two are there, and you just don't see it yet.

O, what fun!

Read that again, 

when this claim is made by a Blob creature, it lays a formal predicate for the Blob to crack open the combined Dept Of Dirty Tricks of CIA, FBI, Pentagon & State to all go after domestics, citing ‘counterintelligence’.  

Benz adds,

Do not laugh this off as a light bit of hyperbole. This is a formal and legal greenlight to the CIA, the FBI, the DHS, the Pentagon, the State Dept, & thousands of USAID and NED-funded NGOs & university centers to target this 'Russian threat' (read: YOU)