Showing posts with label — Libertarian Party of Minnesota (@LPofMN) November 2. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Libertarian Party of Minnesota (@LPofMN) November 2. Show all posts

Thursday, November 2, 2023

Iran of today is not the Iran of the 1980s

32:20. Best and worst case scenarios as you see them. 

Well, we have a Speaker of the House who went on Hannity and urged the Israelis to attack Iran.  That's not a good idea, and these guys aren't always the smartest bulbs in the bunch.  And I would say definitely he's not, but like you say the world is different now.  And if you have an Israel attacking Iran, the Russians now have an increasingly potent alliance with Iran, let's put it that way.  Plus, the Russians feel themselves very vulnerable in Syria.  They, in fact, just moved a thousand more troops into Syria.  They have a base there in Tartarus and other facilities in Syria.  If Israel attacks Iran, there's also going to be an effort to finish the business in Syria.  That's what the neocons want more than anything else is to finish the business in Syria.  So if the Israelis listen to the neocons in the US, then they're going to find the worst case scenario probably for everyone, which is getting Iran involved getting Hamas even more involved from wherever they are now and in getting the rest of the Arab world.  Now, I don't Erdogan, I think there's a lot of talking and I think he talks out of both sides of his mouth, but he has an enormous Sunni constituency in Turkey.  His base are religious Muslims in Turkey, and he gave a fiery speech over the weekend about you know "We need to go into Gaza and take care of these guys and save our people."  Now I think a lot of it was just a lot of hot rhetoric; nevertheless, it's going to be hard to contain, as you point out, hundreds of millions of people in that vicinity that are going to be inflamed.  You can't kill them all even with their nukes.