Showing posts with label — Jeff Deist (@jeffdeist) March 6. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — Jeff Deist (@jeffdeist) March 6. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

2:10.  And the culture in Australia went very complacent.  They had it too good for too long.  They got wealthy, they were the "Lucky Country," as the saying goes.  That essentially drove me away because I was being shut down and stopped from participating in the Bitcoin world, attending Bitcoin conferences, Bitcoin events, representing Swan Bitcoin, various things in the community.   I'm being shut up from that and I'm paying a very high tax for that privilege for being locked down.  It was very disappointing to me.  I've been a Libertarian for most of my life, since I was about 14 or 15 years old, and so if you would ask me before this hysteria I would have very much said "Oh, hey, come to Australia.  It's a great country.  The taxes aren't great, but overall it's pretty free and the people are nice.  It's good.  But from 2020 onwards, that all changed.