Showing posts with label — HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) September 19. Show all posts
Showing posts with label — HealthRanger (@HealthRanger) September 19. Show all posts

Thursday, September 19, 2024

MIKE ADAMS: WARNING to all food and supplement manufacturers who are currently sourcing products from Israel: You may be FINED or criminally charged by the U.S. federal government if you continue to source products from a state that is now known to surreptitiously adulterate consumer products with the intent to harm or kill

Who knew that Americans would start treating Israel like a pariah that it is fast becoming.  Yes, it is the seat of extraordinary individual rights and protections, but has their Netanyahu-led foreign policy garnered them the wrath of more conservative, American institutions?  

WARNING to all food and supplement manufacturers who are currently sourcing products from Israel: I am putting out an official announcement Thursday that details this. You may be FINED or criminally charged by the U.S. federal government if you continue to source products from a state that is now known to surreptitiously adulterate consumer products with the intent to harm or kill the end users of those products. Given that Israel has now deliberately "poisoned" consumer electronics with explosives -- and that it considers such actions to be justified even when the indiscriminate distribution of such items results in the injury and killing of innocent civilians -- it is now abundantly clear that Israel is willing to POISON food ingredients, agricultural products and supplement manufacturing ingredients that are intended for export to the United States, where Israel claims "terrorists" exist at U.S. universities. In order to kill those "terrorists," Israel has abundantly demonstrated its willingness to intercept and adulterate food and agricultural exports, poison them with the intent to harm or kill, then proceed to distribute such products to consumers in the United States. Being aware of the risk of this action on the part of Israel, all food and supplement manufacturers in the United States are quite literally REQUIRED by FDA and Homeland Security regulatory enforcement to cease using or importing such products out of an abundance of caution for the safety of U.S. consumers. Boycotting Israel's exports is not only the moral thing and right thing to do, it is [also] the LEGALLY-REQUIRED thing to do, as the risk of Israel deliberately engaging in injurious adulteration of its products is now clearly demonstrated. I will be posting my full announcement on Thursday, specifically to be on the record with the FDA and Homeland Security that we are COMPLYING with their requirements for supply chain security by boycotting all products exported from Israel. We are forced to do it, or we will face jail time or even possibly criminal prosecution if someone were to be harmed by foods or supplement products which were adulterated/poisoned by Israel. Every company distributing products made in Israel needs to immediately alert their legal department for similar action, or face potentially catastrophic regulatory, legal, or criminal ramifications in the United States. Share with anyone you know who owns a business that imports products from Israel.  Additionally, any such importer will likely have all of its insurance policies CANCELLED if they continue to import products from Israel, a nation now widely recognized as a terror state that surreptitiously adulterates consumer products intended for widespread distribution to the public. The liability risk associated with doing business with Israel at this point is off the charts. Your business will be uninsurable, and if you don't blockade Israeli-made products, and someone is injured by your product, you will be sued into oblivion. Every attorney reading this knows exactly how big of an issue this has instantly become. Israel just carried out an act of global ECONOMIC SABOTAGE, in effect, and it will negatively impact numerous industries for years to come.