Wednesday, January 17, 2024

RFK, JR.: what that does it leaves the whole instrument of corruption intact and they appoint somebody who is safe

The people who are normally put in charge of these agencies and this is what Trump did too. Trump came in and he promised to drain the swamp, and then he named me the head of the Vaccine Safety Commission, and I started that function.  I met with Fauci.  I met with Collins, and was putting together that project, and when that news got out Pfizer gave a million dollar contribution to Trump and Trump appointed two Pfizer's hand-picked candidates, Alex Azar to run HHS and Scott Gottlieb, who was a partner of Pfizer, to run the FDA [so political contributions equates to hires in positions of power.]  So Gottlieb came in there and got an $88 billion dollar gift for Operation Warp Speed (OWS) for Pfizer and then left to join the Pfizer board and to collect his payoff.  You know, that is the swamp.  People come in wanting to change it but get intimidated by these big agencies and they get frightened because the agency can hurt you.  If you go after that agency there are a lot of top level officials in there that can commit all kinds of civil disobedience that will embarrass the president.  So what they do is that they appoint somebody who is safe. They look at the agency and they say "I'd like to change that, but I have other agendas," and what that does it leaves the whole instrument of corruption intact and they appoint somebody who is safe.  Ralph Reed once said to me, "The guys who get those jobs are the guys who get the joke."  I said in my announcement speech is that I get the joke, but it's not funny.  And I'm not safe; no, I'm not.  My job is to keep the American people safe. But I'm not going to be safe with the status quo.  I'm going to be the worst nightmare for the status quo.

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