Wednesday, March 15, 2023

"You lookin' at me? You lookin' at me?"

UPDATE, 03/16/2023.  I learned today that the reason these women video record men looking at them in the gym is that they humiliate them by uploading the video and then share it across all social media platforms trying prove that the men in the gym are perverts, causing them to lose their jobs, and embarrass them socially.  BTW, there doesn't have to be any evidence of a man acting lewd.  All a woman has to do is claim it, and young men of single mothers get defensive.  As it's a woman, why she's believed by everyone.  Women are the supreme victims if a man is involved.  Being accused by a woman is the death knell for a man.  And they call out masculine toxicity?  When did so many women become Lady MacBeth? 

She sounds almost like Robert Dinero from Taxi., "You lookin' at me?"

The gyms I used to go to [Nautilus Plus and 24-Hour Fitness] had mirrors all around--in front of the stationary bikes, in front of the step-master, in front of the treadmills.  Oh, and of course, in the weight rooms.  There was never a shortage of mirrors.  But this whole filming yourself during a workout is bizarre.  I mean if you can't tell how your form is working for you simply by looking in the mirror and assessing, then I have no words for you.  One commenter wrote that folks are narcissistic.  Okay, but this is narcissism extreme, bordering on exhibitionism.  What do people do with the videos?  Are they the new thing to send in a text to a friend?  I don't get it.   

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