Thursday, February 2, 2023

Melatonin Shields DNA From Free Radicals

From Life Extension as reviewed by Gary Gonzales, PhD,

Reiter explains that five separate studies have shown that older women produce more melatonin than older men-suggesting a possible explanation for the long-observed female longevity factor." He details findings showing a marked correlation between brain functioning in older age and melatonin levels.

He explains that melatonin is found in greatest abundance in the nucleus of the cell, where it shields the DNA molecule itself from free radical damage better than any other known substance. 

Melatonin is radioprotective, meaning it protects the body from radioactive debris, EMF waves, and other frequencies that cause tissue pain, weakness, or damage. 

Reiter describes his own studies in which melatonin has protected DNA from free radicals generated by radiation, carcinogens, bacterial toxins and most important-the process of using oxygen for fuel. 

Protects the heart as well.  A few new topics relating to melatonin that Dr. Reiter covers in his latest book (1996) are:

Melatonin's potential to protect cancer

Melatonin's heart protective role

Melatonin's mood altering effects

Who should not take melatonin and why. 

Why melatonon's sleep-enhancing effects are vastly superior to standard medications. 

His book is titled Melatonin: Breakthrough Discoveries That Can Help You Combat Aging, Boost Your Immune System, Reduce Your Risk of Cancer and Heart Disease, Get a Better Night's Sleep, Dr. Russel J. Reiter and Jo Robinson, 1996. 

From the cover's inside flap it reads,

Extend your youth by more than ten years?

Boost your immune system in two weeks' time?

Help prevent heart disease, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, diabetes, and cataracts?

Cut your recovery time from jet lag in half?

Offer not just cancer prevention but a key to a cure?

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