Sunday, December 4, 2022

We're in a stage of demoralization. You can tell because the people have surrendered their literate, Biblical morals. Today, we're all living by the good graces of the State

Every American alive today,  45-95 years old, is living the life of Rip van Winkle, asleep for decades only to awake to find that the country he ess born into is gone.  Oh, sure, there are historical landmarks that you you recognize from 50 years ago. Heck, the ancestral home you grew up in may even still be standing, but the values are gone.  

But it's already been years since you checked out and surrendered the fight to preserve any common decency or sacred values.  You had to earn a ling after all, and nothing could interfere with that.  Plus, America is a pluralist society to begin with, so what does even more diversity matter to you or to anyone else?  May as well embrace what the kids are bringing.  Our parents did, didn't they?  Yes, they did, and we saw how they nursed their demoralization grievously.  

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