Sunday, December 4, 2022

Clotting Without Platelets Is Unusual

Start at the 24:00 mark. That's where the details begin about the. different kinds of clotting.

Thanks to SenseReceptorNews

He references the unmentionable, Ivermectin, and how it displaces the spike proteins.  In addition to the ACE2 receptor, Dr. Cole references the RAD140 receptor.   

Whether we're vaccinated or not, whether we've had COVID or not, there is some clotting going on in our bodies.  There's probably some micro-clotting in us all that chokes up tissues, and it's true that cancer does like oxygen-deprived environments. If you want to increase oxygen in your tissues, vitamin B1 delivers that.  The fat-soluble forms--Benfotiamine, Lipothiamine, and Allithiamine get the job done.  If you're vaccinated, you'll need high, high doses to bring back some oxygen to your tissues.  
If you want to degrade the spike protein that is responsible for the micro-clotting, I strongly advise taking Nattokinase.
The latest concern, however, is that the vaccine's produce clotting without blood platelets, the long rubbery kind that embalmers are extracting with difficulty.  Are these vax clots simply fibrin clots?  If so, then you should, after checking with your doctor, taking any one of these anti-clotting enzymes Nattokinase, Serrapeptase, and Lumbrokinase.  I can't say with 100% certainty that any of these will by themselves dissolve the fibrin clots but if they can degrade them, that is to your advantage.  This article says that Lumbrokinase breaks up fibrin clots.  So there's that.  

Interferon Type I is essential for fighting cancer.  

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