Sunday, October 9, 2022

Traditional Vaccines Now in Question: Dr. Harvey Risch Loses All Trust in the CDC and the FDA

I don't.  Sometimes intuition can be smarter and more powerful than a PhD and the product of 20 years as an academic scientist.  I knew the vaccines were questionable.  Will never forget having read about David Ferrie, the mysterious character in the shadows behind the JFK assassination was working on a cancer vaccine.  Ah, that's a vaccine that would CAUSE cancer, not prevent it.  So I knew then that at least the possibility existed. 

But we're all operating on limited knowledge.  For example, I did not know that these COVID vaccines were contagious.  My experience while out on my route proved to me that there was little threat from vaccinated people.  A lot of folks on my route were vaccinated: a kid at Home Depot, the gals at the bed sheet place, WalMart, and others.  And yet they insisted on me wearing a mask.  One business I used to pick up from had a sign on their front door declaring that everyone working at that establishment was vaccinated and that you should comply with their cautions of having to wear a mask.  Incredible.  I thought that the vaccine was supposed to confer protection . . . .  The utter destruction of reason and logic in the vaccine campaign alone should be prosecutable, but it does seem that every player involved will go unpunished.  They'll pay no fine.  Won't do prison time for a class action transgression against other people's bodies.  Nope.  That is done. 

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