Thursday, October 13, 2022

Nursing Home Association said, whatever you do, DON'T send COVID positive patients into nursing homes, and yet Whitmer did

The speaker's name is Tudor Dixon and she is a Trump-endorsed, Republican candidate for governor in Michigan challenging incumbent Gretchen Whitmer. Her remarks in the clip below are from the debate she had Thursday night with Whitmer, the Biden & WEF candidate raising the specter of women's rights which is always code for abortion. The message of these WEF democrats is death and destruction, but to have death and destruction gain traction with their audience they have to use weighted and coded phrases like "women's rights.," like they're granting people with a certain genitalia the option to take the life of their baby if they so choose. The government is entitling women to be that flippant with life. Stunning.

Tudor Dixon has got good principles.

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