Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Norwegian Salmon, the most toxic food in the world?

What color should your salmon be?  Deep red.  Deep red means it's wild salmon.  Pale orange on the other hand is farmed raised salmon and toxic.  Believe me.  I once bought two gorgeous fillets of farmed salmon because the week before I bought two beautiful pieces of wild caught that had excellent flavor.  But the week later when I got the farm-raised, I literally got sick from eating the salmon although the color didn't look too different.  Turns out the difference was huge.    

Norwegian Salmon, the most toxic food in the world?  Quite a claim.  Yeah, I'd say it's not too healthy or healthful or even fit to eat.  I once had the Norwegian Fish Oil brand, called Nordic, and within a few days I developed a cancerous mole on thigh.  I stopped the oils, and the mole disappeared after one week.  Shocking but surprised too that it disappeared just as quickly.  Which told me how toxic that brand of fish oils was.  And I learned that there are purer forms of fish oil.  Today, I believe that Barry Sears Omega 3s are some of the purest fish oils after verifying that, of course, about 17 years ago.

Yeah, I stopped buying Atlantic salmon a few years ago.  The meat never tasted like Pacific Coast or Alaskan Sockeye Salmon.  Wikipedia explains that 

sockeye, is an anadromous species of salmon found in the Northern Pacific Ocean and rivers discharging into it.

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