Thursday, October 13, 2022

JAMIE DIMON: "President of the Unites States needs to stand up and say we may not meet our 2050 climate objectives because this is a fucking war”.

Dimon made some extremely outspoken comments which however you won't hear on the mainstream media, telling a small group of listeners that was closed to the press that the "President of the Unites States needs to stand up and say we may not meet our 2050 climate objectives because this is a fucking war”. 

So there's that.  Then Dimon said that the whole woke culture is useless. 

He also said “time to stop going hat in hand to Venezuela and Saudi and start pumping more oil & gas in the USA”

Echoing what he has said before, Jamie said this is the way the USA maintains its standing, as the future of the world is by pumping more oil and gas and using energy security to ensure Western unity.

And he did say when it comes to ESG “investors don’t give a shit” warning not to "cede governance to do-gooder kids on a committee”.

Finally, he stressed the need for strong American leadership that is not being provided by either party. His conclusion: the world needs American diplomacy and neither Trump or Biden can lead the USA.

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