Thursday, October 6, 2022

Hypercapnia, i.e., CO2 retention, caused by mask wearing reduces blood flow to the kidneys

Aside from being an instrument of torture, masks are terrible for your health.  Is that part of the torture?   

Hypercapnia, or impaired kidney function.  Your kidneys are trying to decrease the level of acidity in your blood, so they're actually doing a lot to retain, basically to balance the Ph so it really puts a lit of stress on the kidneys to balance the Ph and the salt, and it reduces blood flow to the kidneys and in many cases can lead to chronic inflammation or nephritis.  No one is even talking about this.  Anyone measuring it in our kids?  No. I don't think so.  We have a sleep apnea model of hypercapnia that also causes a lack of oxygen and what they see in these people is altered postural stability, altered ability to sensor environment known as proprioception, altered gait and increased falls.  This is what it looks like when your brain is not getting enough oxygen.  This is not rocket science.  In the context of our children, their brains are still developing and yet we think it's okay to deprive them chronically of oxygen.  We have mitochondria that produce ou energy.  And there is biochemical evidence that masks are damaging our mitochondria because they're trying to work in an environment where it doesn't have what it needs.  Again, the body is out of homeostasis and it's put in a place where it's constantly trying to adjust but it can't adjust because you won't take the mask off.  

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