Thursday, October 13, 2022

AOC telling you she's anti-establishment, but she hasn't done anything anti-establishment.


She can't get two dozen people in her own district to come and listen to her. 

She's complete AstroTurf, absolute product of the algorithm and Manchurian donkey-mouthed whore, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez everybody.  Who I affectionately refer to as "Occasional Cortex."  This should pierce the veil.  Hardly.  Ha, ha.  

None of these trash bag Democrats have any support.  Nobody will come out to see them.  Two dozen people come out to this event and half of them are clapping as the audience is turning on her.

Jose Vega.  "Oh, my God, why are you not a white dude?  This is totally white supremacist argument."  She'll still call the dude and his argument, she'll call it an attack, white supremacy.  

Here's the woman telling you she's anti-establishment, but she hasn't done anything anti-establishment.

She's supposed to be the outsider, she's supposed to be the female young version of that communist Bernie Sanders, but she votes along party line. 

She's a D-OCon [i.e., NeoCon with a D in front of her name] at this point.  She wants more war.  She wants more weapons, more money, more funding in Ukraine than in her own district.

AOC was demolished by former supporters.  And they do a real smart thing.  So they have one dude yell, stand up and start screaming at her that she's a 

She's a communist whole, socialist dirtbag, sending lots of money to Ukraine fomenting a war in another country that we're not allied with and sending tons and tons and tons and tons of money to Ukrainian Nazis.  And, of course, the staff shows up and drags the dude out the building.  As the staff is dragging the dude out the building, the other dude stands up and starts screaming at her, completely eats up all of her security forces on the first dude. 

You cannot make this stuff up.

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