Thursday, August 18, 2022

"to support abortion is not to support bodily autonomy. A baby IS NOT YOUR BODY."

0:34.  There are images documenting this crime but I won't show them to you as there are images so disturbing and graphic that only a feminist and possibly Satan himself could stomach them. 

0:44. To make matters worse, this discovery came just as a new bill was introduced in California [AB2223] to legalize infanticide.  To be more specific, the bill shields a mother of civil and criminal charges for any actions, or omissions, related to her pregnancy.  Meaning a mother can abort her baby at any point during her 9 months of pregnancy.  And if the baby is born alive, it is within her legal rights to leave it die.  In fact, according to the intentionally vague language used in this bill, she can't be criminally prosecuted, in any instance, if the baby's death was the result of "failure to act."  I guess this is the cute new terminology we're using for fatal neglect.  

1:22.  I can't say I'm surprised by any of this, because the moment I hit the upload button on this video, I am going to have hundreds of DM and comments from disgruntled k. d. lang * impersonators telling me that I am a hypocrite because I can't be anti-mandate and pro-life at the same time.

1:46. First of all, to support abortion is not to support bodily autonomy.  A baby IS NOT YOUR BODY.  A baby is an individual with its own separate head, shoulders, knees, toes, and unique DNA.  So to support the murder of these individuals is quite literally the exact opposite of supporting bodily autonomy.  

*anybody using lower case letters to express their given, their family name is a Klaus Schwab stooge. Anybody fawning over performers simply because they declare themselves gay and build a niche over that, well, you deserve them. 

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