Wednesday, July 27, 2022

"45,000 Chinese soldiers disembarked from barges in the Santa Monica Bay and walked ashore . . ."

The following is satire.     

Jon's satirical article is a personal letter, an email from an acquaintance "unseen in Beverly Hills" who relays to him the disembarking of Chinese soldiers on the shores of Santa Monica Beach, CA.  He expects to raise the ire of Americans for such blatant disregard of hostile forces while poking fun at Americans for enduring every political subterfuge its government has used to ship Chinese, Indian, Mexican, and other immigrants into the country.  But his story is more dramatic.  The count is 45,000 Chinese soldiers.  But the truth is that the Chinese can and have achieved a lot more than 45,000 soldiers walking ashore by way of buying up property and buying up Texas farmland near the Mexican border town of Del Rio with a view of Laughlin Air Force Base.  In fact, this was of such concern that Governor Abbott signed into law a bill that prohibits "hostile nations" from buying property and accessing the Texa electricity grid.  But one does wonder whether this is Abbott's way of hiding incompetence in his state of providing adequate energy across the state.  

“As far as I know this is the first law of its kind by any state in the United States of America,” he boasted. The bill’s purpose: Prevent business entities associated with “hostile nations” from accessing the Texas electricity grid and other pieces of “critical infrastructure,” including computer networks and waste treatment systems.

The millionaire buyer of the town?  A Chinese real estate tycoon by the name of Sun Guangxin.

Since 2016, a company owned by Xinjiang-based real estate tycoon Sun Guangxin had spent an estimated $110 million buying up land in Texas’ Val Verde County. Located on the Mexico border, Val Verde is home to about 50,000 people, the small town of Del Rio, family-owned hunting ranches—and Laughlin Air Force Base, a training ground for military pilots. In less than two years Sun bought up roughly 140,000 acres in the county through subsidiaries he controls. He set aside 15,000 acres of that land for his company GH America Energy LLC to oversee the construction of a wind farm that could feed into Texas’ electricity grid, the Electric Reliability Council of Texas (ERCOT). 

So is Jon's satire drawing attention or a contrast to what Americans allow: we're okay with large swathes of immigrants walking into our country, but if they come ashore from military boats, while we'll beat them back, is that it?  The fact is that either way, Americans are defenseless against any incursion.  So we put with shit and get degraded and live without convictions.  


We may not have foreign troops running security missions on U.S. soil, but we absolutely have U.S. troops that are controlled and dictated to by foreign entities, like the W.E.F., when you have guys like Mark Milley.  In the video, Milley is defending the decision to know more, to learn more, to find out about "white rage" and woke culture, but then says that woke culture was something founded at Harvard University back in the 1970s.  If that's the case, Mark, why do you need to learn about it today?  And that whole "white rage" is another distraction.  You know why Americans were unhappy with the results of the 2020 election.  It was stolen.  It was stolen and you know, and it has nothing to do with "white rage."  It has to do with the government defrauding its citizens.   

In the video below, he says that he wants to know more about "white rage" and find out what made a huge swathe of the American people "assault this building and overturn the Constitution."  Wow, he really is one of them, isn't he?  And by one of them, I mean he is an agent of W.E.F., Davos, and the ECB to ruin the United States.  So he starts by saying that the Americans who came to peacefully protest on the Capitol lawn on January 6, 2021, to hold their government accountable for the fraud and corruption of mail-in-ballots wanted to "overturn the Constitution"?  One thing for sure that the W.E.F. and Davors crowd does is they lie.  

We've already been taken over by the Chinese.  Look what they'd doing to California real estate and how they're pricing working-class citizens out of that state and others.  Check out this piece by Martin Armstrong on how the wealthy Chinese are buying up much of California.  

Contrary to Multipolonious at Jon's Substack account, I didn't detect that this was satire immediately.  Given the censorship.  Given the joint military exercises between countries.  Yeah, 50-caliber rhetorical salvos have been fired in both directions, but we've not entered a hot war with China . . . least not yet.  

But Multipolonious writes, Since Li Po Schwartz is such a common Chinese name, this satire had me going for a nanosecond.  LOL"

Another reader cited Mike Adams of Natural News who's been warning of a Chinese invasion of sorts.  

Is Jon is mocking Mike Adams at Natural News?

Is Jon satirizing Americans' fears of immigrants?  Could be.  Is it a case where only immigrants are involved in commerce and Americans are afraid of hard work?  

If it is a Horatian satire, then Jon's satire is commentary on human nature and man's follies.  But what would be the follies here?  Man's desire for fear porn over the last 2.5 years?  Generally, if something can be satirized, it means that the material is taking itself too seriously.  So by treating the material as serious, you satirize the issue.  This means that Rappoport thinks that the Chinese invading the shores of California, which they already have through their real estate purchases that I've linked above, then he says that the one problem can be extrapolated out to include aggrandizement of the drug cartels of Mexico.  Again, he is making fun of the American reader.  Doh!!   

All this to say that this Jon Rappoport piece requires you to "read between the lines" as one commenter put it.  No literal reading is permitted.  Patricia puts it this way

If more people could read between the lines, they would understand what you're actually saying.  Thank you, Jon, for telling the truth in a round-about way.  A TRUTH that people who tell it are punished by people who don't want it to be told.  

Reading through the Matrix only for uber-aware beings.  

So far, Chris Wick is the only other guy who corroborates Jon's tale.

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