Saturday, April 2, 2022

I get it.  If someone agreed or agrees to get vaccinated [the more appropriate term is injected], then that person is dealing very privately and shamefully with the consequences known and unknown.  And we're all operating on limited knowledge, so shaming those who opted for the vaccine is stupid too since they're ignoring the circumstances regarding that choice.  But everyone is suffering.  But if you look at the grave risks and outcomes from the injection, you should be able to see clearly the demonic plan behind the injections.  

Take the issue of shedding.  All injections shed.  All of them.  What does that mean?  It means that your body packages up cellular debris from the injected cells and dispenses toxins from your body through exosomes.  These exosomes are highly infectious with a genetic match, meaning your siblings.  So if your daughter got the injection but your son did not, then there is a high likelihood that your son will be infected by the toxic spike proteins.  If you haven't heard, the spike proteins from the injection are the toxin.  The fact that the demonic designers of the Gain of Function, GoF, toxin come with manipulated genes that can age you rapidly AND cause debilitating disease that will cripple your production should not go unnoticed.  

But look at who the victims in this war are: siblings, families, babies, all the individuals whose lives and meaning have been enshrined in religion.  We're familiar with them in Christianity.  We've got the Baby Jesus, whose life and significance is celebrated throughout the year.

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