Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Dr Alim Muhammad. We need to correct the record

Seems like his calculations are off.  2 days of a mouse's life doesn't equate to 2 years of a human being's life.  Mice live for 12 to 18 months.  12 ÷ 30 days = Here is a mouse to human chart but I can't guarantee that this is right.  Another factor is that mice to human models are not identical.  So what happens with or to mice does not happen with man.  

Mouse Years To Human Years

Mouse Years
Human Years
1 Month
14 Years
2 Month
20 Years
4 Month
26 Years
6 Month
34 Years
8 Month
42 Years
10 Month
50 Years
1 Year
58 Years
2 Year
70 Years

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