Saturday, April 9, 2022

D-Dimer Test, Fibrinolytics & Leg Elevation

Keep taking fibrinolytics.  Both Nattokinase and serrapeptase.  You need to have something on your side.  Accounts vary.  Some say fibrinolytics don't work at all.  Some say it takes 2 months to dissolve the clots.  If you want to methodic about it, then get a D-Dimer test to see if your body is clotting.  But even if the fibrinolytics work only 5 to 10%, that's 5 to 10% dissolving activity that you didn't have before.  I have tried both, and I experienced an energizing effect that I liked quite a bit.  I found that when I took extra, I experienced a clearing energy.  So I will continue taking both of these compounds.

Niacin too.  From Bioinformatics.

niacin is a vitamin with cytoprotective and anti-inflammatory functions, this study aimed to evaluate the possible functional roles and underlying mechanisms of action of niacin as an anti-COVID-19 and -CRC therapy.

Okay, but how does Niacin, B3, work against COVID or SARS-CoV-2 and or the spike proteins?  

The analysis indicated that niacin could help in treating CRC/COVID-19 through cytoprotection, enhancement of immunologic functions, inhibition of inflammatory reactions and regulation of cellular microenvironment. Furthermore, five core pharmacological targets of niacin in CRC/COVID-19 were also identified, including BCL2L1, PTGS2, IL1B, IFNG and SERPINE1.

Finally, a paragraph on some benefits of Niacin.

Niacin, a B-type vitamin, is essential for normal functions in the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system [11]. It is a functional precursor of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, a bioactive coenzyme responsible for maintaining cell respiration and metabolism [12]. Moreover, niacin helps regulate energy metabolism, methylation, DNA rehabilitation and immune function [13]. Reports suggest that deficiency of niacin can increase the risk of neurodegeneration, immunological disorder and inflammation stress [14]. Additionally, niacin exerts its anti-inflammatory effect by suppressing the NF-κB pathway [15]. A high concentration of niacin has antiproliferative activity against colon cancer stem cells [16]. Furthermore, it can effectively inhibit inflammatory reaction in the colon tissue and tumorigenesis by activating G-Protein Coupled Receptor 109A (GPR109A) [17]. Interestingly, niacin is a potent antipneumonia agent that modulates specific genes, such as niaRniaX and pnuC [18]. However, the pharmacological targets and mechanism by which niacin can combat COVID-19 in CRC patients remain to be studied in detail.

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