Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Ukraine BioLabs that don’t exist, and the treaties that govern them

1925 Geneva Protocol on biological weapons.  

I liked what Barnes said about the biological weapons labs, how Victoria Nuland explained to Rubio that the U.S. has biological weapons "research facilities," but not labs where agents are produced or distributed.  These exist in poorer countries where very little can be done legally to discipline bioweapons manufacturers.  And if they exist at all are often reputed to be in the service of vaccine-manufacturing, vaccines that happen never to be forthcoming, safe, or effective.  

Check out Francis A. Boyle's 2005 book, Biowarfare and Terrorism.  Boyle is responsible for drafting the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989.  Wikipedia explains that

The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 (BWATA) extended the scope of bio-warfare materials regulation to include private individuals and non-state organizations. The act made it illegal to buy, sell or manufacture biological agents for use as a weapon.

Alex Jones interviews him here.   

Given that bioweapons labs have been illegal since the Geneva Protocol of 1925, the fact that "top-secret government labs" exist at all means they're in violation of international law.  Wouldn't this also make Maryland's Ft. Detrick Lab illegal?  

Thanks to Dr. Mercola for this video.

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