Friday, March 4, 2022

70-Mile Long USA Freedom Convoy followed closely by a media blackout

70 miles long, and with thousands cheering it along the way, the USA Freedom Convoy has (of course) been BLACKED OUT by the media

Rob Williams talks to Claire Dooley and Ariana Victor, two (real) journalists traveling with the truckers (an interview that YouTube instantly took down)

No sooner had this video gone up on YouTube than YouTube took it down—claiming that it offers “medical misinformation,” at odds with the pronouncements, not of the CDC, which, throughout these past two years, YouTube has been invoking as the ultimate authority on health, but of the World Health Organization. This, clearly, represents a shift toward global censorship via Google.

In any case, this interview with Claire Dooley and Ariana Victor, two journalists traveling with the USA Freedom Convoy, is well worth watching, as it tells us much about that epic caravan, which “our free press” is largely blacking out, while VICE and Rolling Stone have variously slimed it.

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