Friday, October 1, 2021

Stew Peters with Dr. Judy Mikovits: Viral Shedding, Jab Recovery, & Defeating The 'Virus'

You don’t want to call it shedding, because it’s a synthetic virus.  It’s smaller than a normal virus.  So it's between 30 and 50 nanometers, so, yes, it can shed.  It can go through the skin.  It can go through every cell of the body because of the way that it was made. It’s not restricted the way normal viruses are.  So yes it can go through the skin, yes, you can cough it on people, like a normal virus.  And we’ve seen patients—I’ve experienced it myself . . . . we have family members with cancer that when they go get their treatments in the hospital—you know all the nurses and doctors are all vaccinated—that’s medical malpractice.  Because these patients are vulnerable, and they’re transmitting it to them and we’re seeing fluid in the lungs.  And we’re seeing people diagnosed with COVID.  No you don’t have COVID. You got vaccine-COVID.  You got the covid because that’s what the vaccine was.  The injection of the spike protein.  The injection of the disease-causing part of the virus.  And so when you can test that . . . you can test that with a PCR that will show you the only thing you get on the PCR is the spike protein if you don’t find the rest of the virus—the gag or the structural proteins of the virus—you got it from the vaccine.  But the good news is you treat it and protect yourself with all the things that you would for the natural infection.  So it’s not a death sentence but what we all need to do is take back our immune systems and our own health and get our immune systems healthy and strong. 

PETERS:  So somebody who’s been inoculated—they’re fully vaccinated—they have both Pfizer within a few weeks of each other—do they have hope, can they recover from this, and two, those of us who are around people who’ve been jabbed who are feeling these side effects are we getting sick, is it a permanent thing, or can we be fixed?

MIKOVITS:  Everyone can be fixed.  There’s hope totally.  Because number one, if it didn’t hurt you immediately, we can pray to God you got the control—the saline—and the experiment we talked about earlier; number two, if you have a healthy immune system, it will degrade those particles.  We don’t know how long your cells will manufacture that spike protein, but the healthier you are, the more your type-1 interferon immune system, the more your innate immune system, the more you keep your skin healthy and go out and get vitamin D and sunshine, your own body’s immune system, our God-given immune system can degrade and can heal us from this synthetic, weaponized virus.  That’s the great news.  The bad news is for the immune-compromised, who are exposed—as I just mentioned—in hospitals, this is criminal.  And it’s always been criminal; it’s not just the COVID shot.  You know back, the last five years, we’ve seen the worst flu ever in nurses and doctors—it’s criminal to force nurses and doctors to get vaccines.  That’s criminal—live, attenuated flu shots.  That’s not protecting them or their patients.  Because the nosocomial spread is the word for spreading from doctor to patient.  So what we can do is never wear another mask.  Never get another shot.  Remember what we were told: the vaccinated, the fully vaccinated can take off their mask, so everyone in this country, in this world, hearing my voice is 



3.  Give yourself all the strength, and then nobody is living in fear or hate because everybody’s feeling everybody’s vaccinated.  


5.  DON’T NOT TOUCH THEM. HUG THEM.  You’ll get a natural immunity.  You’ll get an exposure as grandparents used to to chickenpox.  

My husband is 83, and he’s never had shingles.  Now we see shingles in 10-year-olds because of the failure of the chickenpox vaccine to produce lifelong immunity. 

Here are some COVID protocols I am reprinting from the Independent Side

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