Monday, October 4, 2021

"My right to critique your fascism, which is what this is, is Constitutionally protected"

This really is the speech of the decade.  

His name is Simon Campbell.  The date of the video is June 18, 2021, so it's a few months old but spot-on and powerful.  In his delivery, he indicts Cherrissa Gibson, Pennsbury’s Director of Equity & Diversity, for unconstitutionally censoring public comment about Critical Race Theory that the district has been implementing.  Campbell also asked for her resignation, along with those of each one of the members of the school board.  This was powerful, and the man knows his law.  He says, 
I’m quoting to you now from the U.S. Supreme Court case, 1964, NewYork Times v. SullivanThis is Constitutional Case Law in this country, and I am quoting you from the U.S. Supreme Court:

The judges wrote that this nation is founded on the “profound national principle that debate on public issues shall be uninhibited, robust, and wide-open.  And that it may well include vehement, caustic, and sometimes unpleasantly sharp attacks on government and public officials."  That’s constitutional law in this nation.  I don’t have to be nice to you, nobody behind me has to be nice to you.  If you don’t like living in the United States of America, then you go and move to Russia, Cuba, or China.  This is the 1st Amendment.  

LadyLiberty1885 reports that 

A Pennsbury, Pennsylvania taxpayer who is also a former Pennsbury school board member, blasted district board members for editing out public comments made a past meeting that were in opposition to Critical Race Theory.

The man pushing back on the Pennsbury school board is Simon Campbell. He and other citizens have been pushing back on Critical Race Theory and have called for the firing of Pennsbury’s Director of Equity & Diversity Cherrissa Gibson.

“What is happening in the Pennsbury School District is disturbing,” writes Campbell in the description of the full video of his remarks to the school board. 

And here is where the district unconstitutionally censored the public's content:

Campbell wrote that as of June 18, 2021, the school board has posted video of its March 18, 2021, and May 20, 2021, school board meetings on its website, but that the tapes state that they have been “edited due to content” and cites the website and the minute markers.

“What has been cut from the posted tapes is public comment by citizens opposed to critical race theory,” writes Campell. 

He's excellent.  

There were other speakers from the public, whom the school board addressed contemptuously.  Check out the brief appearances of those taxpayers. The "Benito Mussolini" reference was directed toward Mr. Robert Rizzo, whom Pennsylvania taxpayers cough up $215,000 annually for the privilege to be abused.  

Tom Giordano explains that 

This line of attack happened because parents in the district obtained internal emails that showed Dr. Cherrissa Gibson, the district’s Director of Equity, Diversity, and Education, calling for the censoring of comments at meetings that she viewed as racist “dog whistles” and she also discussed removing public comments like this from the video of school board meetings.

Campbell told me his advice to parents is to use Right-to-Know laws to get documents that show school board members discussing how to deal with issues raised by parents. He also advised that if parents are interrupted by school board members or their attorneys during public comment at school board meetings, they should cite the U.S. Constitution and continue making their remarks.

The other patriot in this movement is Stephanie Maier, who reminds us that The two most important things I’ve learned are: 

1) Freedom really does matter; people all over the world risk their lives every day in pursuit of it and,

2) America is exceptional in history and her freedoms must be protected as the last best hope for mankind on earth.” 


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