Friday, April 3, 2020


If you're in the Seattle, Washington area and you're looking for a healthful dentist, one who refuses to use mercury fillings, then Dr. Paul Genung may be of value to you.  I am passing this along as a recommendation from G. Edward Griffin.  The problem with recommending dentists is that any customers might praise their services but not offer any real context for why his services, skills, or products are superior.  The condition or circumstance surrounding one person's crown or filling or extraction will be seriously different from that of other folks.  One dentist's services might cost more, and when people pay more they think that they're getting more, which as we know isn't always the case.  Nothing can bring back extracted teeth.  I guess a root canal can, but given all of the horror stories surrounding that procedure, I would just prefer not to bother.  And that is the thing that goes into dental decisions.  Is it worth the bother?  Is the reward worth any perceived, short or long-term risks associated with the procedure?  Certainly, vitamin C goes a long way in managing mucous membranes of your gums.  So most dental procedures will be cosmetic in nature.  But, hey, we all want to look good.
His video states that “Dr. Genung’s holistic approach to treating patients does not include the use of mercury, fluoride and other toxic substances." Fine.  But you should know that fluoride in small amounts found in toothpastes DOES harden your teeth.  Again, life is about trade-offs.  Given all of the lies and misinformation and unapproved treatment that we allowed as kids sitting in a dentist’s chair, the last thing you want to permit is to allow your teeth to soften and become brittle.  I would never recommend braces, for example.  Ever.  Mainly for the fact that to create the room or space for your teeth to be pulled back, you’ll need to have several teeth extracted, which produces cavitation in your jawbone.  You lose teeth, which serve as excellent nodes for a neural network in your body.  Remember that your teeth are only a couple inches from your brain.  And that space created by excavation does become permanent.  It means that your teeth will move back.  No one explains this process to kids or to their parents.  The orthodontist certainly doesn’t explain this.  If he did, he’d lose business.  He might write up a brochure, but he himself won’t explain what the procedure is like or comment on the long-term effects of tooth excavation on the shape of your head, or how it affects the function of your brain, or how it affects the function of your heart. 
Health-Conscious Dentistry in downtown Seattle offers patients a natural, non-toxic and gentle approach to dental care. For more than 50 years, Dr. Paul Genung has been dedicated to providing the utmost in holistic exceptional patient care, opportunities for learning, and complete oral examinations and procedures as needed, always putting the patient first.

Work directly with a dental professional with more than 50 years in the industry.  Dr. Genung is on-hand and hands-on. He does it all- from cleaning to more complex and complicated procedures, he works directly with his patients, educating them and informing them of alternatives and options for treatment.
Health-Conscious Dentistry focuses on comprehensive, systemically-focused dental care.  Dr. Genung’s holistic approach to treating patients does not include the use of mercury, fluoride and other toxic substances. 
More and more dentists are doing this out of market demand.
Every appointment is like a master class in good dental and systemic health.
Education helps you make informed decisions about your treatment. At Health-Conscious Dentistry, education comes first, giving patients the thorough information they need, to choose what works best for their individual situation. 
Yeah, I think that's a nice promise, but I'd like to see this.  Most dentists are busy.  And if you get any tractable information that is worth its salt, then that is rare.  But otherwise, they're so busy as to keep the conversation or lesson very short.  

If you've got any tiny or growing cavitation in a tooth, try the fluoride toothpaste but also try spraying liquid magnesium on your teeth just before you brush.  Magnesium helps to harden the enamel.  Vitamin D definitely works to harden your teeth; adding magnesium topically is an excellent way to bolster the magnesium supplement you're taking in your multivitamin.  

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