Saturday, December 10, 2016

New Facial Bones In 12 Weeks
What this means it's hard to tell, but it looks like jaw, nose, and facial bones can be created from your fat tissue.  Promising I suppose.    

Ora Burger is a representative with the Israeli firm, Bonus BioGroup. This is essentially a press release on their new findings.  No word on when it will be available, to whom, at what price, or at what levels of efficiency. Their experimental trials show that their product can regenerate facial bones.  Does that mean all bones of the face? Good question.  That certainly was an implication, but we'll have to wait and see.  The raw material for the bone is extracted from a patient's fat tissue.  A full, whole bone is created in 12 weeks after embedding the fat tissue into a solution, a bone that is strong and hard and functional.  A longer study into extremity bones is now planned.  So there's hope.  Always a long ways off I guess for people who could benefit.

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