Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Vitamin D3 and So Much More with Sunlight

Great article on sunlight as being one of the essential vitamins you need for optimum health.  Through sunlight, you get much more than Vitamin D or D3.

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This one may throw some of you off, but sunlight possesses both energy and information with real, metabolic value and is, therefore, a source of usable energy for the body – and so, in a very real sense it can be considered a form of food that we consume through our skin by way of its built-in, melanin-based "solar panels." Not only does adequate sunlight exposure result in the production of vitamin D, a hormone-like substance that regulates over 2,000 genes in the human body--and as a result prevents or ameliorates hundreds of vitamin D deficiency-associated health conditions--but sunlight exposure itself has a unique set of health benefits not reducible to simply vitamin D production alone. One of the more interesting studies performed on sunlight exposure, based on data gathered from over 100 countries and published earlier this year in the journal Anticancer Research, showed that there was "a strong inverse correlation with solar UVB for 15 types of cancer," with weaker, though still significant evidence for the protective role of sunlight in 9 other cancers. Here are some additional benefits of sunlight exposure: 
Alzheimer's Disease
Dopamine Deficiency 
Multiple Sclerosis 

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