Thursday, January 10, 2013

Get Fat

It's not enough that you eat the right kinds of foods or that you find the foods that optimize your performance style, but it is important to know how to eat when you're sick.  You've heard the adage "Feed a cold, starve a fever."  I think that that is just the best that some advertiser could do with alliterative d's and v's.  No, what you need to do is to feed both a fever and a cold, in fact, feed an illness but not with the hair of the dog.  No, you feed it with good, regular nutrition.  Foods with fat will shock you with their nutritional function.  But again, don't always rely on diets that tell you what to eat.  Know which foods are high in fat, saturated fats and unsaturated fats and essential fats.  Of these which ones do you like best?  Start from there but be sure to get fat in your diet.  I like bacon.  I like sausage.  Given my history of eating pancakes, muffins, breads, pastries, donuts, candy, cereals, cases of sodas growing up it is no wonder that I have survived at all.  I didn't eat enough fats.  Now I do. 

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