Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Food or Doctor-Prescribed Antibiotic?
Why does someone need to take antibiotics?  Because of bacterial infections.  A bacterial infection is when a bacterial pathogen invades your body.  Just how dangerous are bacteria?  Wikipedia states that the vast majority of bacteria are, get this, harmless or beneficial.  "Although the vast majority of bacteria are harmless or beneficial, quite a few bacteria are pathogenic."  If that is the case, why then are people desperate to receive or request or demand the right antibiotics from their doctors?  Are doctors' diagnoses biased toward bacterial causes or do the pharmaceutical companies have excellent marketing campaigns?  The common bacterial infections that receive a lot of air time and media fear-mongering are, according to Life Extension's Protocol on bacteria, ". . . pneumonia, ear infections, diarrhea, urinary tract infections, and skin disorders."   These seem pretty manageable, to me, with a good diet.  Some would contradict, "No.  Pneumonia is deadly.  Diet can't address pneumonia."  I have had limited experience with doctor-prescribed antibiotics.  I think I tried them twice--both times for a bronchitis.  "You have a bacterial infection," the doctors would explain.  They didn't work, the antibiotics I mean.  They didn't do anything, anything positive that I could perceptibly detect.  In fact, when I reported back to my doctor that I had finished the regime of antibiotics but that they did nothing to relieve my bronchitis, he wanted to up the dose, like upping the ante in a poker hand.  He had nothing to lose.  He was in control of the drugs, their financial benefits, and I was the human guinea pig who believed that doctors had some magic in their bag of tricks.  Maybe.  But it was a crap shoot.  Since then I never took any prescribed drugs, ever.  Nor will I.  Antibiotics require a regimen of two or three weeks or longer.  Are there natural alternatives to pharmaceutical antibiotics?  I thought you'd never ask.  
Consuming a clove of garlic for three sequential days would produce better results.  And by better I don't just mean that the infection or bacterial agent would be removed and cleaned up; what I mean is that function, strength, and energy are increased while a host of other structures are toned by the beneficial side-effects of the garlic Pharmaceutical antibiotics are dangerously powerful; or worse, they could be an empty but costly and time-consuming placebo. Garlic is nature's best and most effective antibiotic.  
Need proof?  Here is Bill Sardi on the benefits of an amazing drug called GC (it stands for "Garlic Clove").  Part of the therapeutic benefits of garlic include its smell.  It's smell alone will ignite an immune-enhancing response, the way that a strong coffee brewing in the morning alerts your senses.  This is important to remember when choosing foods: smell and color are a key register of anti-oxidant potency.  For some, it is precisely the smell that turns them away from garlic; thankfully, you can obtain it in capsule form, but you'll be cutting out all of the fun of peeling, cutting, and cooking garlic.
From Mike Adams' Natural News, he had this to say about garlic.  Turns out that garlic is better than I had thought:
Garlic has been used worldwide for thousands of years for medicinal purposes. This wonder plant treats everything from a simple earache to pneumonia, MRSA, Helicobacter pylori, the flu and even the black plague. Contemporary research has confirmed that garlic possesses numerous antioxidants that kill bacteria and free radicals in the blood protecting the immune system and making it stronger (that's my emphasis: that feature of garlic impressed me). Garlic's active ingredient allicin can also attack and destroy a variety of viruses--unlike modern antibiotics--as well as fungal infections such as candida. Taking garlic supplements as a prophylactic may help to protect against various pathogens and prevent the onset of disease.
UPDATE:  I was reading tonight how garlic and onions are excellent to leech mercury out of your system as a tonic to prevent mercury poisoning.
Garlic is excellent for managing blood pressure.  But consuming it in a particular way maximizing the effects of garlic 3 to 4 times better than if you eat bulb whole.  If you're taking garlic to remedy a specific ailment, like hyper-tension or bacteria overload, the best way to take it is by smashing a raw bulb so that the bulb is broken.  Apparently, the enzymes need to broken and activated in order for the garlic to really work.  You cannot rely on your digestive tract to break it open efficiently enough.  But once a cracked clove is in your digestive system, your body absorbs the garlic nicely, relaxing your blood pressure, relaxing your muscles, and devouring bacteria.  For these two functions--blood pressure and an antibacterial medicine--you would be hard pressed to find a better, most-effective food remedy.  I place the smashed, not mashed, garlic in my mouth and take an olive oil chaser to sooth the burn.  The combination has a terrific effect.  To good health!!
If you want a powerful alternative to garlic, another good antibiotic is colloidal silver.  Colloidal silver is water ionized with silver.  Now how does silver purge harmful bacteria from your cells?  Ben Taylor explains that "it disables a certain enzyme that is responsible for the oxygen metabolism of the pathogen cells, such as viruses, fungi or bacteria. As a result of the lack of oxygen, the virus or bacteria cells die in a short while. During this procedure, the healthy cells of the body remain untouched and unaffected, since the colloidal silver activates only on the oxygen enzyme of the pathogen cells."

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