Thursday, August 9, 2012

Amazing Pineapple--It Digests Protein, Fights Gout, & Raises Alkaline PH

 I've been eating raw pineapple lately.  I am trying to stay away from fruit because of the sugars, but pineapple has a fantastic effect on my muscles and energy.  I wrote a nurse friend of mine, and he mentioned that bromelain is a great digestive enzyme that has the ability to clean your system.  Even better, I thought.  The enzymes in bromelain do a good job of breaking proteins.  Even Paleo nutritionists recommend this, primarily for the digestive enzymes that break down proteins found in meat.  I've heard that it is a good cancer remedy as well.  So if you're a big meat eater, then I encourage you to include a slice of pineapple on your plate or as a garnish to your pastrami sandwich to-go.  Also, if you want all of the nutritional benefits of the foods you're eating, bromelain and other digestive enzymes in pineapple help to absorb those nutrients better.  I have over eaten on meat, and after 18 hours I do not always see the whole meal pass through me as it used to when I was younger.  Age then is a factor.  As we put on the years, our digestive tract may slow down.  Then more than ever try a slice of pineapple.  It's refreshing during the summer when it is in season. Bromelain also helps to treat gout.  What do I mean by "treat"?  I mean that if you incorporate pineapple into your high-meat diet, then you can either prevent gout outright or discourage its formation.  That's what I mean by "treat."  Eat healthy and stay well.  Here are some excellent tips on how to eat fruit properly.
Pineapple is amazing.  In addition to breaking down proteins and making them more available in digestion, pineapple also has a high alkaline content at 7.4 ph.  A healthy mouth that supports good dental enamel has an alkaline content of 7.6.  So, as Dr. Ellie Phillips suggests, eat 1 slice of pineapple before and after a dentist visit.
Karen Roth, holistic nutritionist, reviews the health value of raw pineapple.

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