Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Taurine and Why It's Important

Interesting article on taurine, which says that a taurine deficiency can cause diabetes or complications with diabetes. 

First that stood out for me was this statement:
Taurine has a role in dozens of your bodily functions and is beneficial in both healthy and diseased states.
On dilation, the Japanese have found that taurine improves blood flow and oxygen to your muscles.
The results of a study by Yutaka Nakaya of the Tokushima University School of Medicine and a team of researchers in Japan, published in 2000 in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition", demonstrate the role of taurine in the dilation of the vascular system. Taurine supplementation can increase secretion of nitric oxide, which dilates your blood vessels and improves blood flow and delivery of oxygen to your muscles.
And it's good for men:
Haas mentions that other benefits of taurine include treatment for male infertility, cirrhosis and depression. Additionally, the results of the Nakaya team's study suggest taurine supplementation may be beneficial if you suffer from type 2 diabetes.  
Read on . . . .

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