Friday, December 30, 2011

How To Evaluate the Best Vitamins?

This is my quick review of Ethan A. Huff's article, titled "Whole Food Multi-Vitamin Supplement," posted at Mike Adams' site, Natural News.

Ferreting through the information surrounding vitamins is long and confusing.  We take what we can and we retake that which provides us a noticeable and measurable improvement over our condition.  I remember when I took fish oils for the first time, I was absolutely impressed and concluded then and there that all that I had to do was to take a teaspoon or two a day of fish oils and I would never have be fatigued.  It didn't quite work out that way.  Yes, I was committed to the fish oils for nearly 10 days before I noticed a growth or a small cist develop on my leg.  So read further on fish oils.  They were not all alike.  Some were cleaner than others; some, in fact, had mercury in the oils themselves.  So I stopped taking that one brand of fish oils and purchased a purer form.  No more growths, but the benefits also plateaued.  What makes shopping for vitamins such a chore is that because we all have unique biochemistries or conditions or metabolisms that we each have slightly different reactions to certain vitamins or certain brands.  For years I have taken Solgar brand vitamins.  They feel potent.  I like that.  The vitamins give me a boost however temporary, and on certain days the after-effect of the vitamins I am willing to endure for they are ever so slight.  But how do I find the vitamin that is truly the best for me, one that is made of whole food items instead of synthetics and their attendant petroleum-based fillers, plastics, BHT and such?  Right now I don't know.  But there is a   

Standard Process is an excellent whole foods brand.  They do add exotic bovine hormone.  I don't know their benefits, if any, or their therapeutic effects.

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