Friday, December 1, 2023

The reason many lawsuits against vaccine makers are failing

Any product used under the Emergency Use Authorization by U.S. code says that it cannot be investigated for harm. 

EUA pathway in pharmaceutical law is NON-investigational.

Thursday, November 30, 2023

In gratitude for his service, Queen Elizabeth II knighted Kissinger in 1995.

He devoted his life to breaking US power, so we would have to accept British plans for global government. --Richard Poe

The State of Texas just sued Pfizer over numerous false claims it made regarding its COVID-19 vaccine. Texas AG Ken Paxton and his team's 50 page petition is a page turner


BREAKING: Mexico stands up to the WHO [and Bill Gates and his Foundation]

The letter demands: 1) Reject the amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations.

2) Reject the WHO New Pandemic Treaty.
3) Call for a prior, broad and open international debate on the proposed amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations and the proposed new Pandemic Treaty from a human rights perspective.
4) To carry out a public and informed consultation and debate at the national level on all the implications of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the new Pandemic Treaty with the participation of the public, private and social sectors, related to policy issues and public health measures during the health contingency, making previously accessible to the public in a clear, timely and understandable manner the necessary information to make effective their right to participate in the aforementioned public consultation, through appropriate means, written, electronic or otherwise, taking into consideration all available and updated scientific, medical, clinical and legal information.
5) To carry out a public and informed consultation and debate at the national level on all the implications of the proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations and the new pandemic treaty, as well as their relevance and reasonableness based on the evaluation of achievements, failures, challenges and lessons learned at the national and international level that occurred during the COVID19 crisis.
6) Strictly and explicitly prohibit gain-of-function research aimed at modifying pathogens to make them more transmissible, more contagious, more virulent or, being viruses of other species, able to infect humans. 

Proud of everyone involved in this campaign for the last 3 years+