Friday, February 3, 2023

Trajectory of Chinese Spy Balloon Over Montana?

Chinese balloon called 'dry run' for EMP attack.  Nuke at altitude could destroy electronics for hundreds of miles. 

I'd want to know what it is.  Is it a spy reconnaissance balloon?  Back on May 1, 1960, Francis Gary Powers was shot down over the Soviet Union but that came from a real sovereign country back then, the Soviet Union.  But a remote controlled balloon gliding freely over the continental U.S. is just fine according to the woke U.S. military.  Why would the U.S., instead of protecting its air space, coordinate and report updates on the progress of a Chinese balloon over its territory?  

Who knows?  

Studies found that [handling paper receipts] leads to significant BPA or BPS absorption into the body

You've seen these, and you've pulled them yourself from the checkout stands, but you should always decline the receipt or simply leave it in the checkout register.  Here's why: 


DR. MERYL NASS: W.H.O. was selected as an easy way to win this soft coup bloodlessly.

It would be good to know who Dr. Meryl Nass is. 

It didn't have to be the W.H.O., this could have been done through the U.N., this could have been done a lot of other ways, but the W.H.O. was selected as an easy way to win this soft coup bloodlessly, no shots being fired, simply by writing a set of new amendments that completely changes the tenor of the existing international health regulations which have been in existence since 1969 and by creating a new pandemic treaty which they keep changing the name of, so it's a Pandemic Accord or a Pandemic Instrument.  The current health regulations has language which says 

the implementation of these regulations shall be with full respect for the dignity, human rights, and fundamental freedoms of persons. 

That language has been removed from the new version.  So "human rights and fundamental freedoms" were taken out, as well as "dignity."  These are words that have real legal meanings.  This is very critical.  Before, the IHRs were recommendations, now they are binding, they are to be enforced and countries need to create enforcement mechanisms.  There's also to be enforced surveillance of people and microorganisms.  Enforced censorship.  Enforced single narrative.  Harmonization of regulations of vaccines and drugs.  So if you thought our vaccines and drugs are being regulated now in checking for safety and efficacy, they're trying to make that process pretty much go away.  Liability will go away for all of these products.  So when will these documents come into force when the Director General of W.H.O. issues a Declaration that there is a public health emergency of international concern.  He doesn't even need an emergency.  He needs [only] a risk of a potential emergency. And his powers can be continued after the emergency has been contained.  

Thailand’s Princess Bajrakitiyabha Remains in Coma. Thailand Will Nullify the Contracts Between Thai Government and Pfizer

I shared this story briefly with this video back on January 29, 2023.  

Infections with vaccinated people, they can't stop the virus from getting in through the front door.  But if