Tuesday, August 24, 2021

Oregon Ghoul Governor Brown Mandates Masks

The comments in this tweet are excellent.  

Four newborn babies in Australia who needed heart surgery were denied due to COVID-related restrictions, and died.

Rushed polio vaccines killed many needlessly & likely created HIV/AIDS?

Rushed polio vaccines killed many needlessly & likely created HIV/AIDS."  Okay, I'd not heard that connection made before.  This is interesting.  So polio vaccines administered in the 1950s caused changes in DNA that brought about an immune deficiency?   

[admitting] that it doesn't matter what kind of mask you wear underscores the fact that mask mandates are not based on any science. Only your compliance matters

[Premier of Ontario, Doug Ford] spent 82 TIMES MORE locking down the province "responding" to C-19 than the cost to treat C-19