Wednesday, May 8, 2019


Boy, the controversy over coffee is endless.  I love the beverage.  
I love the taste.  
I love the aroma.  
I love the preparation, even that of instant coffee.  
I love the drinking of it, the savoring action of intermittent sipping.  It is a love affair.  My first cup of coffee with my dad was a 5am-cup of hot coffee poured carefully from his Thermos as we made our way on Highway 101 in the morning night through Thousand Oaks, California from Los Angeles to Monterey, CA.  Coffee is a many splendid thing.
But getting to the truth about coffee is no love lost, let me tell you.  We keep hearing of the benefits of coffee--staves off heart attacks, protects you against all kinds of morbid conditions, adds 7 years to your life . . . the list is endless.  But aren't these palliatives all a bit conspicuous?  I mean don't they kind of go against what we see and experience?  I mean I don't care what scientists say about smoking cigarettes, they will cause you to get ill.  Ulysses S. Grant, 18th President of the United States, got throat cancer from smoking so many cigars.  Even if he didn't inhale, that backdraft of smoke on a puff is going to irritate tissue, its ability at moisturizing itself, and neighboring systems.  So imagine my shock when I came across an NCBI article that professes the benefits of coffee on tooth enamel.  Really?  You mean to tell me all those acids in coffee help clean the mouth and teeth?  Well, that's what the NCBI article is saying.  Now before you go out and prepare a pot and consume 3 cups with sugar and cream, note well that the benefits come under certain conditions.  Before we look at the NCBI article, let's what folks from the early 19th century had to say about coffee:

It is rarely mentioned today the strange theory that Hahnemann created before the Psora theory, that Coffee was the cause of all human illness. Reference is: 'On the Effects of Coffee from Original Observations' (Leipzig, 1803) and listed in his Lesser Writings, pp391-410.

'...Hahnemann himself alludes to the essay he wrote upon the action of coffee in 1803, where he had ascribed the production of a multitude of chronic diseases to the action of that all but universal beverage, and he confesses that he thinks he had ascribed an exaggerated importance and gravity to its use; since his discovery of psora as the cause of many chronic diseases, he is inclined to attribute to that agent the production of most of those affections he had imputed to coffee.' (Dudgeon, 1853, Lectures on the Theory & Practice of Homeopathy, p259)

I will not quote in full length his essay, but in the course of it Hahnemann ascribes the following chronic disorders to the use of coffee:

'constipation, impotence, dental caries, abscesses in children, pulmonary mucus, blue rings around the eyes, leucorrhea, ulcers, general megrim, nervous affections, chronic diseases, insomnia, stammering of speech, lack of appetite for food, ophthalmias, rattling in the chest, etc.' (On coffee, 1803, Lesser Writings, pp401-9)

This list very closely resembles many of the entries in his list of conditions for Psora (given both in Chronic Diseases and in other essays from the 1820s and '30s) and it is perfectly clear to me - as Dudgeon states - that Hahnemann was tempted in 1803 to ascribe to Coffee a grand theory of chronic disease remarkably similar to that which he later, in 1827, ascribed to the Itch animal of Scabies.

In the Chronic Diseases Hahnemann says this:
'That the drinking of warm coffee and Chinese tea...has further augmented the tendency of this period to a multitude of chronic diseases and thus aided psora, I least of all can doubt, as I have made prominent, perhaps too prominent, the part which coffee takes with respect to the bodily and mental sufferings of humanity, in my little work on the 'Effects of Coffee' (Leipzig, 1803). This perhaps undue prominence given was owing to the fact that I had not then as yet discovered the chief source of chronic disease in Psora.' (Chronic Diseases, Jain Edition, 1978, (Tafel translation of 1896), Vol 1, pp13-14)

I tend to agree with Hannenman.  
Remember, too, that coffee is addictive; unlike a lot of other addictive substances, coffee is socially acceptable.  Try getting someone to listen to your rationale about why you love heroin.  
And then there's NCBI, who claims that coffee prevents cavities.  I kid you not.  
The DMFS score of the control subjects was 4, indicating that coffee if consumed alone had anticaries action but in the presence of additives the antibacterial and anticaries action was totally minimized.
This is too fantastical.  Unbelievable.  In the twenty years that I've been fiercely studying the effects of food on health, this is the first time that I've heard that coffee benefits your teeth.  I'd always thought that acids in coffee erode enamel, not protect it.  But here is the evidence:
It elevates mood and can treat severe headaches. If coffee is drunk in limited amounts it can help in having healthier and whiter teeth as well as enjoying other health benefits. Besides keeping one alert and awake, coffee has been linked to an increasing number of potential health benefits. Coffee provides more than just a morning jolt and has been found to contain substances called antioxidants, which are beneficial to the human body. Several years ago, in California, a research conducted by Takayuki Shibamoto, a professor of environmental toxicology, found that freshly brewed coffee contains potent antioxidants equal to the amount found in three oranges. 
Then we learn that the antioxidant in coffee is the result of the roasting process.
The antioxidant in coffee is called methylpyridinium. Oddly enough, this tongue-twister chemical is not found in large amounts in other foods. Even odder, it is not present in the raw coffee bean. It is created during the roasting process from the trigonelline that is present in raw coffee beans.[

Coffee helps with tooth decay?  Prove it.  
The caffeine in coffee is known to affect the manner in which the body handles sugar absorption: A few cups of coffee a day can greatly reduce the onset of type II or adult-onset diabetes. Coffee also contains substantial amounts of potassium, niacin, magnesium, and important antioxidants such as tocopherols and phenol chlorogenic acid. It is also been known to thwart migraine headaches, (the results show that both green and roasted coffee possess antiradical activity, and their more active component is 5-O-caffeoyl-quinic acid. Moreover the roasting process induces Maillard reaction products, such as, melanoidins, which also possess antiradical activity, in coffee. These results could explain the neuroprotective effects found for coffee consumption in recent epidemiological studies)[]and to ease pain and relieve symptoms associated with asthma. 
The evidence does seem to be developing. 
A new research published shows that coffee made from roasted coffee beans has antibacterial activities against certain microorganisms. Both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, including S. muans are a major cause of dental caries. []Inhibition by cocoa, coffee, and tea is due partly to gelatin-precipitable tannins and partly to components that exhibit properties of monomeric polyphenols. Catechin, a known constituent of these beverages, is an effective inhibitor of the enzymes. The effects of fruit juices are attributable mainly to the inhibition of the glucosyltransferases, by the endogenous fructose and glucose. The findings show that the naturally occurring constituents of foods can inhibit extracellular polysaccharide formation from sucrose. Such constituents may play a role in regulating dental plaque formation in vivo and, thereby, have long-term effects on the development of dental caries. 
To reduce the bitterness of coffee, some folks use a pinch of salt. I've never tried that but a business associate from India, a gentleman by the name of Tanveer, did take his coffee that way.    

As delicious as coffee is, it is complicated.  For example, you don't want to take your morning multivitamin with a cup of coffee because coffee interferes with vitamin C and vitamin B1 absorption.  Bill Sardi explains
The problem of thiamin deficiency may be traced to another daily practice, the consumption of coffee, tea or beer. Many millions of people consume coffee or tea at the same time they take their morning multivitamin. What's the problem with tea or coffee? They contain tannins (bitter parts) that alter vitamin B1 and render it uselessSulfite preservatives, as found in wine, are another antagonist to B1. Alcohol also interferes with B1 absorption. In fact, about 30-80% of alcohol users have low circulating levels of B1. The lesson here is not to take vitamin B1 pills with coffee, tea or alcohol.

Monday, April 22, 2019


Given this fact, if you ever bump your head, know that it can compromise the network of capillaries in your brain.  So what strengthens capillaries--before and after a concussion?  You've got it, vitamin C.  Bill Sardi pointed out that this fact has been known since 1940.  

But even if you don't bump your head, you will need a constant supply of vitamin C throughout your life to avoid dementia, a form of dementia caused by weakened capillaries.  Vitamin C strengthens capillaries.  So take 500mgs every few hours.

from NCBI
The highest concentrations of ascorbate in the body are found in the brain and neuroendocrine tissues such as adrenal, although the brain is the most difficult organ to deplete of ascorbate. Combined with regional asymmetry in ascorbate distribution within different brain areas, these facts suggest an important role for ascorbate in the brain.  
Did you get that?  Where is the largest concentrations of vitamin C in your body?  That's right--your brain.  What do you think happens to that vitamin C when we're stressed or we drink regular alcohol or develop brain disorders?  We lose some of that vitamin C, which is so important for vision, you know, those oracular orbs located in your brain!  

This is backed up by nutritional researcher, author, and nutritional formulator, Bill Sardi, who reminds us that
Brain levels of vitamin C are higher [there] than in [any] other organs.  
Blood plasma levels of vitamin C are lower in Alzheimer’s patients than in healthy individuals.  
Deficiencies in vitamin C are associated with mental decline.  Don’t want to be forgetful or slow down as you age?  Then upload more vitamin C.
Smoking tobacco, which depletes vitamin C, increases the risk for Alzheimer’s dementia.  Not good.  If you smoke, if you must smoke, then you must supplement with vitamin C.
Supplemental vitamin C improves the behavior of laboratory animals genetically engineered to develop Alzheimer’s.  Did you hear that, parents?  Don’t want your baby to be causing problems at school?  Make sure they get a daily of 500mgs of C.
Alzheimer’s patients have lower blood plasma and cerebrospinal fluid vitamin C levels despite adequate dietary intake.
Repeated consumption of high-dose vitamin C to laboratory animals reduced beta-amyloid plaque levels in the brain by 40.2% (in the hippocampus) to 57.9% (in the cortex) in the brains of laboratory animals.  Low-dose vitamin C (just enough to prevent scurvy symptoms) was almost ineffective at preventing mental decline whereas doses 10-fold higher than the minimum requirement were demonstrably effective.  However, it doesn’t matter whether people have a buildup of plaque in their brain or not, they still [acquire] mental decline says a recent study. 
Measurement of beta-amyloid plaque should be abandoned in favor of vitamin C blood and cerebrospinal fluid levels to predict risk for Alzheimer’s disease. 
Vitamin C-nourished capillaries are stronger and less likely to leak into surrounding brain tissues.  It has been known since the 1940s that vitamin C strengthens blood capillaries.  Capillaries are connectors between the red hoses (arteries) that carry oxygenated blood and nutrients to tissues and the blue hoses (veins) used to dispose of deoxygenated blood.
For more than two decades it has been known in humans that vitamin C is superior to other supplemental antioxidants (vitamin E, coenzyme Q10) in antioxidant protection in cerebrospinal fluid and it takes greater than dietary intake amounts of vitamin C (~110 milligrams/day) to elevate vitamin C levels in cerebrospinal fluid.  Researchers have been calling for oral antioxidant supplementation to protect the human brain since 1997.
Given that vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is rapidly excreted in urine flow, repeated doses (500mgs) every 4-6 hours are required to effectively prevent this devastating disease. Levels of vitamin C in the cerebrospinal fluid that surrounds the brain need to be much higher than in blood plasma to maintain brain health.
Other accompanying nutrients such as zinc, resveratrol, and rice bran IP6 may synergistically reduce toxic metals (aluminum, copper) that also play a destructive role in Alzheimer’s disease.
Bill Sardi and vitamin C: here, here, and here.
The following video does a good job explaining both what the blood-brain barrier IS and its function.  About the drugs it recommends for treating certain brain disease, I have no idea.  Well, actually, I do.  The best treatment is high-dose vitamin C.

The narrator talks about capillary replacement on the brain, but all that one needs to do treat brain disorders is to take vitamin C, a lot more than what the FDA recommends for daily dosage.  

In another report, Sardi explains that 

Important to know that nutrients donate electrons, the fuel that runs your body.  Contrary, at the molecular level, anything that takes electrons away, it is toxic.  

Dr. Thomas Levy, MD, says, in conversation with Desiree Rover, that [vitamin C] "is the therapeutic tool of choice, if you will, for most infections and nearly all toxin exposures."  


"What causes disease is, of course, invariably unneutralized toxicity, which is oxidant stress, which is invariably relieved by antioxidants such as vitamin C.  A tremendous amount of coalescence, if you will, of what causes diseases and what remedies diseases, but modern medicine prefers to look upon a hundred different medical diseases as a hundred different totally unrelated entities each of which has [its] own pathophysiology, each of which has [its] own treatment, but when you come to understand oxidation and oxidative stress and what antioxidants do, it turns out that really most diseases start for the same reason and it's just your unique toxin or environmental or genetic predisposition that determines what you suffer."

Dr. Kellner cured polio patients who were already on life-support.  He had a series of 60 polio patients, infants and young children, in the middle of a polio epidemic so even with nearly half of them DID NOT get spinal taps there was little doubt that all 60 had polio, and he was able to show that with only 3 days of injectable vitamin C, either by muscle or by veins, in only 3 days was able to cure 57 out of 60.  And the remaining 3 required an extra 2 days, of peripheral vitamin C that they were cured as well.  But he was able to very conclusively show that he could cure within a total of 5 days 100%, or 60 out of 60, polio patients.  22:49

Desiree Rover retorts, "Vitamin C has 325 functions: 300 enzymatic ones, and 25 hormonal functions."  Wow.  

With vitamin C every two to three hours, Dr. F. Klenner asserted that he could dry up measles and chicken pox.

Klenner administered ascorbate by injection, and, as Lendon H. Smith describes in great detail in the Clinical Guide to the Use of Vitamin C: The Clinical Experiences of Frederick R. Klenner, M.D., Klenner found that “the most effective route was intravenous, but the intramuscular route was satisfactory. He gave at least 350 mg per kilogram of body weight.” That quantity per day is a dose of 25,000-30,000 mg or so for an adult. Yet, Smith adds, “With 350 mg per kilogram of body weight every two hours, he could stop measles and dry up chicken pox.” 
This was a compelling vitamin C story.
In 1951, “In an especially incredible case,” Levy says, “Klenner (9) described a five-year-old girl stricken with polio. This child had already been paralyzed in both her lower legs for over four days! The right leg was completely limp, and the left leg was determined to be 85% flaccid. Pain was noticed especially in the knee and lumbar areas. Four consulting physicians confirmed the diagnosis of polio. Other than massage, vitamin C was the only therapy initiated. After four days of vitamin C injections the child was again moving both legs, but with only very slow and deliberate movement. Klenner also noted that there was a “definite response” after only the first injection of vitamin C. The child was discharged from the hospital after four days, and 1,000 mg of oral vitamin C was continued every two hours with fruit juice for seven days. The child was walking about, although slowly, on the 11th day of treatment. By the 19th day of treatment there was a “complete return of sensory and motor function,” and no long-term impairment ever resulted. Vitamin C not only completely cured this case of polio, it completely reversed what would undoubtedly have been a devastating, crippling result for the remainder of this girl’s life.” (4) For such elegant results, in the days before widespread use of either antibiotics or vaccination, one may wonder why Klenner was not awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine. 
Okay, okay, okay, so now you know some of the terrific benefits of vitamin C.  But which kind do I take and how much?  First, you don't have to take a limousine brand or even the liposomal type of vitamin C.  Basic vitamin C will do.

Okay, but how much?  That depends.  If you're healthy, it doesn't hurt to take 1,000mgs every three to four hours.  That provides pretty good protection with all things being equal, which they never are.  There are some days or parts of your day where you are stressed out.  Maybe you bump a leg or stub a toe at work or step wrong, something, and you'll need some added protection.  Same thing with eating.  Maybe your diet isn't the best.  Then take vitamin C with each meal to fight off problems stemming from your consumption.  Bill Sardi suggests taking 500 mg every 4-6 hours.
Given that vitamin C is a water-soluble nutrient that is rapidly excreted in urine flow, repeated doses (500 mg) every 4-6 hours are required to effectively prevent [Alzheimer's] this devastating disease.  

Saturday, March 30, 2019


Saturday, January 26, 2019


from Health Impact News
via Lew Rockwell

Dr. [Ron] Kennedy has been in medicine for almost 50 years. He is currently residing and practicing in the State of California.
After the passage of California SB 277 in 2015 which removed parental rights to refuse vaccines for their children, parents began coming to see him to see if they could receive a medical exemption for vaccines.
Dr. Kennedy believes that so many parents came to him because other doctors were afraid to write medical vaccine exemptions, fearing reprisals from the California State Medical Board.
Dr. Kennedy states that doctors fear the loss of their medical license for writing vaccine medical exemptions. This is reportedly what the Medical Board has tried to do with Dr. Bob Sears. See:

California Pediatrician Bob Sears Breaks Silence on Medical Board Opposition to Vaccine Exemptions

Dr. Kennedy states that the California Medical Board goes from school to school demanding medical records of children, without any permission from the parents. Dr. Kennedy says that according to his attorney, this practice by the Medical Board violates two federal laws and two state laws.
The Medical Board then allegedly examines these medical records of school children to find out which doctors are writing vaccine medical exemptions, and then goes after those doctors.
Dr. Kennedy claims that no doctor has been willing to stand up to this practice until now. He is suing each of the 14 members of the State Medical Board in California.
Watch the following interview with Dr. Kennedy:  
Here is Dr. Robert Sears' book, The Vaccine Book, (2011), referenced at the 5:47 mark.

Sunday, December 16, 2018


Obamacare was sold to the American people as a humanitarian attempt to provide health insurance to the poor and to individuals with a pre-existing medical condition who had been denied coverage. If you were not poor, did not have a pre-existing condition, and already had health insurance and were satisfied with its coverage and rates, you were repeatedly assured that you could keep your plan and doctors. Right.

We now know that the selling of Obamacare was a giant con job. After all, if its proponents had really been sincere, they would have argued that the alleged poor simply be provided vouchers (similar to food stamps) to help purchase insurance; further, a simple one-sentence piece of legislation could have required that insurance companies not automatically exclude potential customers based on some pre-existing medical condition. Done deal. Instead, what we all got smacked with was a 906 page regulatory and tax monstrosity that amounts to a federal makeover and takeover of the entire health care industry.

Can we repeal Obamacare? Defenders of the law, and even some moderate critics from both political parties, assert that repeal is impossible at this point. After all, Obamacare was passed by both houses of Congress, signed by the President, and parts of the law were declared constitutional by the Supreme Court. Moreover, billions of federal tax dollars have already been spent on the bungled website and countless bureaucrats (including those in the IRS) to administer the new regulations and taxes. Thus, defenders assert, there is simply no precedent for repealing a federal law that’s this important and complex.

Nonsense to that. There is, in fact, major precedent for repealing important and complex federal law that destroys personal freedom and raises costs and prices to consumers: The Supreme Court’s de facto “repeal” of the National Industrial Recovery Act (NRA) in 1935.
It is difficult now, looking back, to appreciate the full scope and complexity of the NRA (1933). Yet the NRA was the legislative centerpiece of the Roosevelt Administration’s attempt to end the Great Depression and return the country to prosperity. Its major objective was to end “ruinous” price competition (deflation) throughout the economy by the creation and enforcement of so-called “codes of fair competition.”
These codes–created by industrial trade associations and enforced by the federal government–allowed business competitors in any given industry to collude legally and raise prices…with the antitrust laws conveniently suspended. Industrial firms, wholesalers and retailers that wanted to price their own products in defiance of the legal code were forbidden from doing so by law. To encourage labor to go along with this unprecedented government support for economy-wide monopoly, separate NRA codes also encouraged the formation of labor unions and mandatory collective bargaining. There were also separate provisions in the NRA for command and control regulation of the petroleum industry.
The NRA and its distinctive symbol (the “Blue Eagle”) struggled to fly for two years until it unceremoniously crashed to earth in 1935, declared unconstitutional by the High Court. (Roosevelt was so incensed by the decision that he threatened to “pack” the Court by appointing additional judges). The entire gargantuan enterprise, much like Obamacare, floundered badly under the weight of an inefficient NRA bureaucracy, labor union strife and strikes for recognition, endlessly confusing and changing “code” regulations and the eventual loss of political support from working-class households. Besides, there was no evidence that the NRA promoted recovery; indeed, its restrictions on commercial liberty made economic growth far more difficult.
If the NRA could be dismantled and tossed in the legislative scrap-heap, so can Obamacare. The alternative to Obamacare (when Congress repeals it) is the creation of a competitive market for both health insurance and health care. Insurance companies must be free to compete across state lines, free to offer a diverse menu of coverage’s and deductibles and free to price their product based on estimated risk. And health care providers must be free to treat patients absent government licensing and regulation. If we’ve learned anything from the NRA experience, or the “glitch” over the Obamacare website, it’s that government regulation makes almost every economic problem infinitely worse.
Dr. Armentano is professor emeritus in economics at the University of Hartford and the author of Antitrust and Monopoly (Independent Institute, 1998) and Antitrust: The Case for Repeal (Mises Institute, 1999). His first workplace experience was picking strawberries at a commercial farm for 6 cents a basket in the 1950s.

Copyright © 2014 Dom Armentano.