Monday, December 26, 2011

Sedatives Are Waking Up Coma Patients?

This was interesting for its paradoxical point.


Siobhan Reynolds died Christmas Eve in a plane crash.  She was a hero to many suffering from chronic pain.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


If you have low immunity, there are at least 2 minerals and 1 food that will rebuild your immunity immediately.  

One is selenium.  If someone has cancer, selenium is their best friend.  The 200mcg daily dose is not an anti-cancer dose.  800mcgs is.

Another, for general immunity, is zinc

The third is chicken soup.  It's not just a wives' tale.  The health benefits of chicken soup have been scientifically proven.  But what is it in chicken soup that makes it so healthy?  Is it the chicken meat?  Nope, though the chicken does help to restore strength.  Is it the chicken fat?  Nope, though the fat also fortifies you.  Is it the vegetables?  Nope, but you need vegetables to digest the protein.  But the real immune benefits derived from chicken soup have always come from the marrow inside the bones that were often served as part of homemade chicken soup.  You'll not find any bones in Campbell's though that soup is good and is good for you to some degree.  The salt in the soup helps to restore electrolytes from dehydration.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


Foods that Increase Tooth Enamel by Tiffany Tseng at Symptom Find. 

1. DAIRY PRODUCTS                                                                                Dairy products, such as milkyogurt, kefir and cheese, have plenty of calcium and phosphorous that can help strengthen teeth enamel and help with re-mineralization. They also promote saliva secretion, which can have a preventative effect, as saliva protects teeth against bacteria and balances the mouth's pH level. For those who are lactose intolerant, enriched soy milk can be a good alternative as it usually also have added calcium. 
2. CELERY                                                                            
Celery, considered an "abrasive" food item due to its high fiber content, can help protect teeth and its enamel by cleaning the surface of the teeth. Its fibrous nature also requires longer chewing time, which can promote saliva secretion and maintain a healthy pH level in the mouth. The gums, which are also integral to healthy teeth enamel, are also massaged in the chewing process to ensure its health. 
3. STRAWBERRIES                                            
Strawberries are full of antioxidants and vitamin C, which are important in maintaining the overall health of the oral cavity. Strawberries also have a natural exfoliating effect due to its malic acid content, and can also help whiten your teeth while removing enamel harming tartar. There is no need to actively rub the actual fruit on the teeth, however, as an excess of malic acid may actually do harm and dissolve tooth enamel. To keep your teeth enamel and oral cavity healthy, just incorporate strawberries in your diet, as a snack or a healthy dessert. Your vitamin D as ordered with spinach and cherry tomatoes.  What's not to like?
4. VITAMIN D                                  Studies have shown that vitamin D is a nutrient that plays a key role in regulating proteins that create tooth enamel. Hence, foods rich in vitamin D, such as fish oil, cold water fish, or enriched egg yolks, are great for strengthening and possibly re-mineralizing tooth enamel. For example, canned sardines is a great super food, rich in vitamin D, for strengthening tooth enamel, as you can also eat the bones of the fish for added bone-strengthening calcium and fluoride.

5. ANIMAL PROTEIN                      Most animal proteins, such as chicken and beef, contain phosphorus, which is a mineral essential to healthy tooth enamel. Indeed, when phosphorus is paired with calcium and vitamin D, healthy bones and teeth are created. Tofu may be an alternative option for vegetarians, as it contains a good amount of protein, and may also have the added benefits of calcium and magnesium. 
6. SESAME SEEDS                                                             
Sesame seeds are similar to celery in that it is also an abrasive food that can help "brush" the surface of teeth and remove bacteria causing debris. They are also high in calcium, which is important in bone and teeth formation, and are extremely easy to incorporate into the diet. Toss a handful of toasted sesame seeds on your next snack or meal, or blend it into your smoothie for some enamel protection. 
7. VITAMIN  K                                                                  
Essential for bone growth and mineral absorption, vitamin K can help strengthen teeth enamel when paired with vitamin D. Cruciferous vegetables, such as kale and broccoli, are high in vitamin K and other immune-boosting nutrients that can also contribute to healthier gums and teeth. Other great sources for this vitamin include egg yolks, hard cheese, pasteurized butter, fermented grains, and naturally-cured salami. 
8. PARSLEY                                                                         
Parsley has been used as a natural breath freshener for ages. This herb is known for its anti-bacterial properties and may help prevent bacteria that can lead to loss of tooth enamel. Next time, chew some parsley in place of sugary gum or breath mints; not only will it freshen your breath, it can also save your teeth from sugars that can deteriorate enamel. 
9. TEA                         
Naturally high in antioxidants for a healthier oral cavity, almost all leaves that brew tea also contain fluoride, which protects tooth enamel from decay. Green tea, in particular, also contains the antioxidant polyphenol, which protects the teeth by preventing plaque from adhering to its surface. As an added bonus, freshly brewed tea may also help eliminate bad breath for a more presentable smile.
10. WATER                                                       
Drinking water can ensure a clean mouth, as it washes away trapped debris between teeth that serves as a breeding ground for enamel harming bacteria. For the sake of your teeth, it is also advisable to swish and rinse the oral cavity with water after drinking or eating highly acidic or enamel-dissolving foods, such as alcohol, coffee, or lemons to keep the harsh foods from dissolving teeth surface and enamel. By keeping yourself hydrated, your body can also have a stronger immune system to potentially help ward off gum disease, which in turn, can be detrimental to tooth enamel.
Read more at Symptomfind.

You might find these resources helpful. 
Tooth Health.
Flouride Action Network.
Organic Consumer Association.

I like choices.  Here are 6 different alternatives to toothpaste.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The above photo was obtained from
from Dr. Mercola's "On Hypothyroid: The #1 Aging Marker?"

Thyroid hormones work in a feedback loop with your brain – particularly your pituitary and hypothalamus – in regulating the release of thyroid hormone. Your pituitary makes TRH (thyroid releasing hormone), and your hypothalamus makes TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). If everything is working properly, you will make what you need and you’ll have the proper amounts of T3 and T4.

Those two hormones – T3 and T4 – are what control the metabolism of every cell in your body. But their delicate balance can be disrupted by nutritional imbalances, toxins, allergens, infections, and stress.
If your T3 is inadequate, either by insufficient production or not converting properly from T4, your whole system suffers.

You see, T3 is critically important because it tells the nucleus of your cells to send messages to your DNA to crank up your metabolism by burning fat. That is why T3 lowers cholesterol levels, regrows hair, and helps keep you lean.

Sometimes people with hypothyroidism have significant fatigue or sluggishness, especially in the morning. You may have hoarseness for no apparent reason. Often hypothyroid people are slow to warm up, even in a sauna, and don’t sweat with mild exercise. Low mood and depression are common.

Sluggish bowels and constipation are major clues, especially if you already get adequate water and fiber.

Are the upper outer third of your eyebrows thin or missing? This is sometimes an indication of low thyroid. Chronic recurrent infections are also seen because thyroid function is important for your immune system.
Another telltale sign of hypothyroidism is a low basal body temperature (BBT), less than 97.6 degrees F[4] averaged over a minimum of 3 days. It is best to obtain a BBT thermometer to assess this.

Mercola says to look to family history.  Do you have any of these markers?

Some of the family history that suggests you could have a higher risk for hypothyroidism includes:
  • High or low thyroid function
  • Goiter
  • Prematurely gray hair
  • Left-handedness
  • Diabetes
  • Autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, sarcoidosis, Sjogren’s, etc.)
  • Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis
  • Multiple sclerosis (MS)
  • Elevated cholesterol levels
It might be useful to take an online thyroid assessment quiz, as a way to get started. Mary Shomon has a good one. Some of the classic symptoms are mentioned above, but there are many more – too many to list here.
If you suspect you might be hypothyroid, you should see a health care provider who can evaluate this, including ordering the basic lab tests for thyroid function.

Coconut oil is one of the best foods you can eat for your thyroid[11]. Coconut oil is a saturated fat comprised of medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which are known to increase metabolism and promote weight loss.

Coconut oil is very stable (shelf life of 3 to 5 years at room temperature), so your body is much less burdened with oxidative stress than it is from many other vegetable oils. And coconut oil does not interfere with T4 to T3 conversion the way other oils can.

Here are some suggestions that can be used for general support of your thyroid, as well as treating an under-performing one:
  • Eat plenty of sea vegetables such as seaweed, which are rich in minerals and iodine (hijiki, wakame, arame, dulse, nori, and kombu). This is probably the most ideal form of iodine supplementation as it is also loaded with many other beneficial nutrients.
  • Eat Brazil nuts, which are rich in selenium.
  • Get plenty of sunlight to optimize your vitamin D levels; if you live where sunlight is limited, use vitamin D3 supplementation[18].
  • Eat foods rich in vitamin A, such as dandelion greens, carrots, spinach, kale, Swiss chard, collard greens, and sweet potatoes.
  • Make sure you are eating enough omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Use pure, organic coconut oil in your cooking – it’s great for stir fries and sautéing many different meats and vegetables.
  • Filter your drinking water and your bathing water.
  • Filter your air, since it is one of the ways you take in environmental pollutants.
  • Use an infrared sauna to help your body combat infections and detoxify from petrochemicals, metals, PCBs, pesticides, and mercury.
  • Taking chlorella [19] is another excellent detoxification aid.
  • Many women suffering from hormonal imbalances report significant benefits from the South American herb maca. For more information, please review this article by thyroid expert Mary Shomon, or her Q & A session with Dr. Viana Muller on this topic.
  • Take active steps to minimize your stress ... relaxation, meditation, hot soaks, EFT, whatever works for you.
  • Exercise, exercise, exercise!
The list above are all Mercola's recommendations.  I am not listing them here as a substitute for medical advice or expertise.  See your doctor whenever seeking medical advice.  This post is designed to give you information that you can share with your doctor and discuss the best options for yourself.  Read on.  Then check out his video on the topic.

Mercola is excellent at diagnosing problems . . . within limits.  But if you want a thorough going over of an issue, followed by targeted remedies, then I recommend you start with this Bill Sardi article.  Here is the ending excerpt, but be sure to read the entire article(s).  
And you may find, through further self-investigation, that part of your thyroid problem may be rooted in adrenal fatigue.  A licorice root extract may be in order.
If you are reading this report and you have unexplained, insidious irritating dry skin, agonizing thinning and loss of hair, worrisome fibrillation of the top (atrial) chambers of your heart, or an unexplained slow heart rate, or severe unremitting bloating, unremitting fatigue and sleeplessness, chronic constipation, loss of eyebrows (alopecia), elevated cholesterol (for which your doctor will inappropriately prescribe a statin drug), anxiety, slowness of speech, sensitivity to cold, weight gain, joint pain, muscle cramps, forgetfulness, muscle weakness, you may have joined the low thyroid club.  Worse yet, many of these same symptoms are associated with thyroid hormone replacement itself.
My report posted at Knowledge of Health today may help you find your way of the thyroid treatment maze.  (No advertising, no membership requirement, no placing your email on a list to receive unwanted email.)