Monday, April 22, 2024

1:11. With the two weeks to flatten the curve, we didn't have patience in the hospital.  They slowly started to trickle in after months and months of that. We were told to create beds for hospitals with executive orders which meant we sent patients home before they were ready to go home, which we had never done before because that's a financial liability.  If patients came back we would actually have to pay for their care.  It's a Medicare rule.  In April they had a code update which they had never done before; they had to come up with a way to track covid so it was all about tracking the disease, tracking COVID.  And the code system is supposed to be the main tracking system.  No one had any standardized practice even our Hospital said there is no standardized case number, so we can't even tell what's going on even though they had already declared an emergency and you can see the HHS and W.H.O. that showed us all of those case maps that showed the outbreaks which didn't match up with what we were seeing in the hospital.  Even Admin admitted that so they created their own map so that's why the cover diagnosis came out.  But that's when the bonuses came out, too.  They had to have that diagnosis in order to get that 20% bonus for COVID patients.  Any patient diagnosed with COVID, there was a code for that and insurance companies funded 20% to the hospital. 

America’s Highest Value International Exports, by State

A fascinating overview shows the biggest trader partners with each of the different states in the U.S. and what products rank highest in that trading history.  From OnDeck,

Exports from Texas to Mexico have an annual value of $144.29 billion — the highest value of exports from a U.S. state to any other country.

Texas exports $33.63 billion in Petroleum & Coal Products to Mexico yearly — the highest value of any single product category from a state to another country.

Canada imports $15.37 billion in Transportation Equipment from Michigan each year, more than any product category from any other state.

Australia imports $4.56 billion in goods from Illinois each year, more than from any other U.S. state

Thank you to Steve Bartin.  

Also, check out the top import and the top export for each state in the U.S.

SCOTT ADAMS: This might be the most powerful political ad I have ever seen. 25 bullseyes in a row.

[RG911Team] The Twin Towers went from resilient to totally weak in an instant. That’s what the experts show in Part 2 of the Twin Towers section of “9/11: Explosive Evidence - Experts Speak Out”, including the Chief WTC electrical engineer. Office fires cannot cause this.

VIDEO: The only way is to waive that right, which his lawyers probably did without telling him because court-appointed lawyers are ALWAYS working for the government to keep that job. They have a virtual perfect losing record of 99% in general.

Thank you to Martin Armstrong @ Armstrong Econcomics.

QUESTION: What do you think about their treatment with Jake Lang?  GH

ANSWER: Something is seriously wrong in his case. He has spent more than three years in pre-trial detention, which violates his Constitutional right to Speedy Trial, which states the government MUST put him on trial within 70 days. The only way is to waive that right, which his lawyers probably did without telling him because court-appointed lawyers are ALWAYS working for the government to keep that job. They have a virtual perfect losing record of 99% in general.

The government is throwing him into solitary confinement pretrial, which is what they ALWAYS do to try to torture someone into pleading when they do not have the evidence to convict. You only do that when you try to break someone. But the fact that they are doing this to him is all about how they are engaging in torture, which the courts claim it is not unless you leave a mark on someone’s body. The court overlooks psychological torture and confinement torture. They are trying to compel him to plead guilty because they have problems with the case. Yes, he was beating an officer. But he claims that was in self-defense. There is the problem. Who threw the first punch?

Even worse, someone needs to contact him, for his court-appointed lawyers are clearly working for the government. I have NEVER met a court-appointed lawyer who EVER actually defends their pretend client. They are a joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without fake lawyers, the government would NEVER keep its 99% conviction rate.

Lang Jake

Lang has spent much of his incarceration in the Washington, D.C. jail. However, he says he also has been shuttled to jails and prisons in New York City, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, and Oklahoma  during his three years in custody. This is what they do to break people. It is called DIESEL THERAPY because you are shackled with legs and hands, thrown into a bus, starved, and abused in every possible way, all to break you down to plead guilty. He is a pretrial in DC – not shipped like cattle nationwide. How could he show up in court in DC when in Oklahoma? The judge is in on it.

Government never admits mistakes

They do this when they do not have a case. The Bureau of Prisons takes orders from the Prosecutor, which is illegal, but it will NEVER admit that in court. You are dealing with people who spit on the Constitution, and they are only concerned about winning at any cost.

If anyone has access to him, please pass on this message. The Habeas Statute that would cover him BEFORE conviction is

28 U.S. Code § 2241

The jurisdiction of that is wherever you are behind held. Therefore, if he is not in Washington, DC, he can file habeas in a different court – himself, Pro Se. I would even help with the brief. That court would hold him, and he CANNOT be removed during a habeas – at least Constitutionally, but these people piss on the Constitution every single day. He would get away from the corrupt court in Washington and get another judge to review what is going on. They have violated the  Speedy Trial Act, and the case should be dismissed on those grounds.

Sixth Amendment

If the evidence were overwhelming, they would have put Lang on trial ASAP to make their political statement. What the prosecutors are doing is outrageous, and this case demonstrates there is a serious problem here, and the ONLY way this takes place is with a CORRUPT Judge and a CORRUPT court-appointed lawyer working with a CORRUPT Prosecutor. The Speedy Trial Act, as applied, is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, for it has effectively nullified the Constitution. No rule or Act can supersede the Constitution, for it is the supreme rule of the land. You cannot WAIVE a Constitutional right, for it is a RESTAINT on government – not a positive right of the citizen. You cannot waive anything, for that is a constructive amendment of the Constitution, which can ONLY be amended by a Constitutional Convention.

Supremacy Clause U.S Constitution

This is excellent.  From February 2023.